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Alexandria's pov

Where am I?

What's that smell?

God my head hurts.

I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in a hospital room.
What happened? There were flowers on the table beside me and someone's stuff on the chairs. I sat up and started to get out of bed.

"Woah, take it easy Alex!" I looked up and saw Axl walking to me and helping me up. The cold floor hit my feet making me shiver.

"Axl, what happened?" I asked holding on to him.

"Well you were in a car accident babe" he said guiding me through the hospital and to God know where.

"Really? How'd I get here?"

"Well duff and Steven we-"

"Duff!? Is he okay we're is he? And Steven?" I asked looking around the hospital halls.

"No calm down there fine. Duff and Steven were there when it happened but not there, there. Duff helped you and Steven called the police." I sighed remembering what happened before.

"Come on let me take you to them." Axl said turning me around and walking me towards the cafeteria.

I wasn't ready to see him again but I needed to.

I walked into the large cafeteria and looked around trying to find some blonde hair and some curly black locks.
They all say in the far corner away from everyone else. Axl walked me to the table they were occupying.

*cough cough*
I looked at everyone who didn't even notice that me and Axl were standing there. I looked to duff and saw him breathing heavy, and twisting a napkin. He looked up at me and put his head down again continuing to twist the napkin. He stopped and looked up again meeting my eyes. He stood up rapidly and brought me to his arms. God how I missed him.
I hugged him tight never wanting to let go. He started to softly cry in my neck making me hug him tighter. I pulled back and brought his face to mine kissing him passionately.

"I love you." You said as you leaned your head on his.

"I love you more." Duff said as he pulled you in for another hug.

You to sat down still in each others embrace. You looked at everyone at the table and saw that they were smiling s like idiots. You looked to Steven to see that he was covering his eyes.

"Is it over yet?" Steven said peeking through his hands.

"I missed you guys!" I said smiling.

"We missed you to Alex, we were really worried, like really worried." Slash said showing that he cares in his tone.
I looked around once more feeling that someone was missing.

"Weres Lila?"

"She went into the restroom she's been there for awhile, I tried going on but some damn nurse wouldn't let me in." Axl said pointing to the restrooms not to far from the table we were sitting at.

"Oh... Well I'll go see what's up but I kinda have to change." I said getting out of duffs arms and walking to my room.
I was about to leave the cafeteria and into the hall when I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist.
I liked to see of course duff.

"You know I was really worried." Duff said serious.

"I'm sorry." I said looking down.

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