First time since

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It had been three weeks since Alexandria and duff last had any contact with each other. They were both miserable, they cried at night, stayed isolated until the sun rose and set, they thought of each other every single day. Duff had gotten panic attacks almost twice everyday now, and his beautiful Ann wasn't there to hug him or tell him she loved him. Alexandria had been taking more drugs trying to get the effects of the drugs to take over her life so she wouldn't have to deal with the heart break. She had declined all of her modeling jobs and was now starving her self cause of how insecure she was. all she needed was him. He was the one that would tell her it'd be okay and hold her tight till the end of time.


Alexandria's pov

I woke up in a pile of bottles and small plastic bags. I looked around to see that this in fact was my room and I wasn't in an alley. I decide that today I was going to straighten up and do something. I had been in my room crying and getting high for almost three weeks now surprisingly I didn't over does like I did back at the club. The thought of that night made me wanna dig my own grave and bury myself. Shaking the thought away I washed up and went into the kitchen to see Lila sitting on the couch reading a magazine. Lila had been taking care of me these few weeks. I was so hungry but refused to anything I was gaining weight and hated it. I hated myself. Whenever Lila gave me food I'd flush it down not getting one bite.  I sat down next to her and she looked to me and back at her magazine.

"Well I'm glad your still breathing." She sarcastically as she turned the page of the magazine.

"Yea I guess." I said a hint of sadness in my voice.

"You need to eat Alex." Lila said closing her magazine and looking at me serious.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"I know you've been flushing your food unless you shit that much?"

I got up and went up to my room and quickly changed into some denim high waisted pants and a red crop top with converse. I grabbed my keys and went downstairs earning Lila's attention again.
I was headed towards the door when she rapidly walked to it and blocked it.

"Lila get out of my way." I said sternly.


"Lila don't test me, I have been through hell these past few weeks do you really wanna add another?"

"Alex just please , please tell me you'll eat something please? I'm just looking out for you." She said worried.

"Fine I will" I said giving up.

"We can go out later okay?"

"Okay." I said opening the door and getting into my car.

If she thinks I'm really eating then she's dead wrong. I started the engine and drove, I don't know we're but I just drove.


Stevens pov

I barged into duffs room with out warning.

"Duff get your fucking ass up I'm not playing man! It's been three weeks get over it you big pussy!" I yelled banging on everything in the room.

"Get out Steven" duff said lying on his bed or more like death bed.

"Duff come on let's go do something I'm bored and I'm pretty sure you bored as hell to being here for let me see..... 27 fucking days?"

"Will it get you to leave me the fuck alone?" He snapped.

"Yes" I smiled knowing I succeeded.


Duffs pov

After Steven left I put on my leather jacket and some jeans with my boots and left my room to go to the kitchen.
"Hey buddy nice to see your blood is finally rushing through your dick!" Slash said patting me on the back. I have him the 'I will kill you look' and he took his hand off my shoulder.

Steven and I got in my car and drove to the record store.


Alexandria's pov

I was driving around town just to do it.
I passed through the record store wanting to go in so I parked in the lot and was about to go in when I saw him. I couldn't bring myself to get out of the car so I backed out of the lot as fast as I could.

I looked to the side to see if I was free to drive but I wasn't. The car slammed into the left side of my car and that's when everything went black.

Duffs pov

I was looking through the records when I saw a car that's looked like Ann's parking in the lot. God how I missed her everywhere I went I always thought of her. I went back to looking at the records when I heard something big collide with something. I looked around wide eyes and looked to Steven who was looking at the parking lot area in shock. I walked up to the window and saw a car flipped over and another one inside one of the stores on the strip. I ran outside with Steven behind me. I checked the flipped car and Steven the other.

"Is anyone in here?" I yelled crawling to the car. It smelled like a shit load of gas.
I heard a groan on the other side. I quickly looked over there and I saw her. I quickly went to her side and unbuckled her seat belt. She fell to the ground getting glass in her arm. I dragged her out and pulled her close to me and hugged her.

"It's okay baby, it's okay, your okay." I said as Rocked back and forth sobbing. Steven came over and said he had called 911 already but I couldn't wait.

"Duff calm down its gonna b-"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW HUH? THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS IN MY ARMS UNCONSCIOUS!" I yelled looking at him and looking back down at her. After awhile we heard the ambulance driving towards us. Once they were here I got in with Alexandria and prayed to God that she was going to be okay. 


Okay so that happened... 

Short little update for you guys. A lot of stuff is going to be going around so expect more longer chapters or part 1's or part 2's more. I hope our guys are enjoying it so far😁 I'll try to update again soon!😌


Think about you (duff mckagan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang