Chapter Twelve: Caution

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Chapter Twelve


Moore walks up beside the puddle of blood. Alice's gun, laid beside the blood. Moore covered his mouth with his hand. Moore stood there in silence for quite awhile.  Walker walks up beside Moore.

"I'm sorry."

Moore looks at Walker

"For what, we don't know if this is Alice's blood, don't forget that the man said he had Kyle with him."

Walker stared at Moore. " Moore none of this makes sense."  He chuckled and walked off.

 Moore stood on the 2nd floor he rubbed his jaw. Eric called his name, Moore turns around. Eric is standing by the door way, with a weary expression on his face.

"Yes Eric?"

"Uh Miss Winter's is going down to the tunnels right now, she wanted to know if you were coming."

Moore turned around and looked back down at the blood. He stared at it for a moment, then at the the Desert Eagle.

He rubbed his forehead, he turned back around to face Eric, he took a deep breath in.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

Eric nodded and walked out the door. Moore drifted off staring at the blood. A flashback flashed before him.

He touches his wife's, round belly, he brings his lips close, and kisses her soft belly. Her beautiful smile, makes him fill with joy. He closes his eyes, and reopens, the tears fill his eyes, he tries to hold them back, his lips begin to shiver. His daughters blood laid on the forest floor, her tiny body, naked and battered. He picks up her little body and holds her in his arms. Moore closes his eyes, and hugs himself. Flashbacks linger in his head. He opens his eyes. Gone.

He sighs and looks around, he swallows and takes a deep breath in. He clears his throat. Footfalls come from behind him, he turns around. No one was there. He walks out the door, and rubs his forehead, which was beginning to sweat. Eric calls out. Moore looks to the left down the hall way. Eric waves Moore over, Moore walks over to him.

"It's down here." Eric says and points to the stair case.

"1st floor?"

Eric shakes his head "Basement."

"There's a basement?"

Moore walked behind the others silent, and alone. The moments passed by so fast. He watched the others, hurry there way through the tunnel. As if to get it over and done with. He could barley see an inch in front of him, he shined the light to seek where they were. They were a few feet ahead of him. Moore released a deep breath out, a rush of wind comes out. He sees the mist that came from his breathing. It seemed much colder down in the tunnel. Moore walked very slowly, making sure he didn't trip on anything.

It caught Moore's attention it was someone's cell phone was ringing.  When Moore shinned his light up, he saw Eric stop, he pressed the cell phone to his ear. Moore slowly walked past him.

"Hello?" Eric said

Moore kept on walking. There was a long silence, and Eric called out.


Moore turns around.


"Um Eron Colley's on the phone, he said he's looking for you."

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