Chapter Nine: Mad as a hatter

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Chapter Nine

Mad as a hatter


When I was a child. I used to go to the lake that was about 5 to 6 Miles from my home. I would swim, collect shells. Catch fish, at least I would try, I would try to catch frogs, and Boo would help.  I would walk down there everyday. I took my dog Boo. He never seemed to get tired, I took a back pack, a water bottle, a cup, a notepad, and some snacks. I never did tell my mom where I was going. She never asked. She never seemed to care. So I went out on my own journey. Discovered my own destiny. I still remember it like yesterday. Me and Boo walked to the lake, it took us, together about a half hour to an hour. That day was like no other day, I grabbed my puppy Zero, for the first time, he was only 6 months old. That day, my mother actually asked where I was going. I ignored her and walked out the door.

"I'll be back at 6." I hollered out

"Be careful. Love you."

I walked on. Half way to the lake, Zero seemed to get tired so we stopped. I sat down, and took out a water bottle, and poured it in the cup. Boo and Zero drank. Boo layed down, Zero sat down and stared at me.  I pulled out a RockyRoad, and picked a piece off, I put it in front of Boo's face he regarded it, then I put it in front of Zero's nose, he snatched it up. My mother always told me to never give the dog chocolate but I disregarded her. Now I look back at that, I feel quite guilty. When we stopped, we sat at the edge of the dirt road. No cars ever seemed to travel on this no more. I saw a car in the distance. It was a red ford truck. The car stopped in front of me. I remember hearing the mans voice.

"Boy, what are you doing out here?"

Before I knew my words just slipped out. " Could you give me a ride to the lake?"

The man nodded, The bright sun hitting his face. Boo and Zero jumped in the back. I sat in the passanger seat. The man looked at me, his bright blond hair, his skinny figure, his dark brown eyes. Before I knew, a sharp pain hit my head, it all went black. Boo and Zero where barking. The sound of Zero's yelp, made tears fall from my face. Zero fell silent. Boo was next. Another sharp yelp went out in the skies.  Boo didn't give up, the man cursed and screamed.


I could't seem to open my eyes, I could't move. The smell of flowers whiffed up my noise. I could still hear Boo barking and growling. I was on the ground of the truck. Something big jumped out me, It wasn't Boo, Boo's barking was still lingering outside. Zero was licking my face. Something wet was dripping on me. I finally pushed my self up, I looked at Zero, my white German Shepherds face was to mine. Zero looked at me and then to the sound of Boo's growling. The scratching went on the window. It startled me.  How did Zero get inside the car?  I looked around, the window to the back of the truck was wide open. Zero must have crawled threw. That's when I saw it, the blood on the bottom of the window.

Zero's blue eyes, examined me, and I whispered "Get him."

Zero's eyes narrowed, he crawled out the window. I went searching threw the glove department, Nothing. My vision got blurry. It got harder to hold my head up.  

Then the word around me went black.

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