Chapter 36: Kayla Goes Home and What About My Twins??

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Chapter 36: Kayla Goes Home and What About My Twins??

*The next morning. August 20th*

•Kayla's P.O.V:

I wake up to the sound of a baby crying.

I sit up and I pick up Andrew and I yawn.

He quiets the second I pick him up. Oh my gosh he's adorable!

I feed him, and after I burp him. He then cuddles closer into me. He's so tiny.

*4Days later. August 24th*

After 4 days, Andrew has gained enough weight and we're finally allowed to go home.

Cc buckles Andrew into his car seat and carries him as a nurse wheels me down to the main floor.

Cc clicks the carrier into the car and helps me into the car.

We drive home and Bandit greets me at the door.

"Hi sweetie," I say walking by him into the living room.

I unbuckle Andrew and Bandit jumps on the couch next to me. "Bandit. Meet Andrew," I say.

Bandit sniffs his head, and then licks him.

I laugh, "He loves you too Bandit," I say as Bandit lays down.

*15weeks later. December 2nd. Juliet is 20 weeks and Amethyst is 17 1/2weeks.*

•Juliet's P.O.V:

Today's the day I get to know my babies' genders!

Once I use the bathroom and get dressed I wake up Andy.

He lazily gets up and gets dressed.

"Good luck," Alex says as we walk out the door.

It takes 10minutes to get there.

I then sign in, an I take a 5 minute nap waiting for the nurse to call my name.

"Juliet Simms?" The same nurse as last week asks, I know see her name tag 'Nurse Sally'..... Wait!... That was the nurse Alex had!

Andy and I both get up, "Good morning you two," she says smiling leading us into the ultrasound room.

"You remember the drill," nurse Sally says as I lay on the table lifting up my shirt.

She squirts the jelly on my stomach and smooths it out with the probe. "Alright, let's find them."

Once she does find them she stop, sets the probe down, and leaves the room.

I look at Andy worriedly, he squeezes my hand, try to calm me down.

Nurse Sally then comes back into with another doctor and points to the screen. "Have you ever seen this before?" She asks him in a whisper.

"Only once," he says.

"Well miss Juliet," the doctor starts, "It seems that your twins are conjoined," he says.

"They're what?" I ask not fully grasping the situation.

"They are conjoined or attached at the head," he says, "If you'd like to abort them you can."

Tears just well up in my eyes. I shake my head over and over.

Andy kisses my forehead and stands next to me.

"I believe that these little boys that I'm carrying will be the best that they can be. I will not abort them," I say sitting up.

The doctor nods his head, "I highly recommend taking prenatal vitamins. And coming in every month," he says as Nurse Sally hands me a cloth for my stomach.

I wipe off my stomach and I hand the cloth back to her and I pull down my shirt.

"We'll see you in 3 weeks," Nurse Sally says as we leave.

"I'm scared," I say to Andy as he starts the car.

He leans over and hugs me, "They're going to be perfect," he says kissing the top of my head.

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