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"Aren't you coming down for dinner?" Hayley asked, not looking up from her phone as she texted Jason. "I hear there's cheesecake."



"I'm in. Let's go." I closed the huge book slowly and kept it on my bedside table before joining her outside the room.

"What were you reading?"

"A book I got from the library. Contains all the details about the pack."

"You mean the book?"

"The dark red one?" I asked.

"Yeah," Hayley looked up from her phone as we walked down a flight of stairs and into the dining hall. "The book that contains everything about our history? Cyril fills it in under Alpha Cole. The last time it was updated was when they attacked-" she stopped abruptly and looked away nervously, going red.

Deciding not to push it, I pretended as if I hadn't heard.

They? Who was behind that terrible attack?

• • •

"Blackblood Ice was founded centuries ago?" I pondered as I polished off my plate. "That makes it the oldest pack in the country!"

"I wonder how you eat that much and still manage to look hot," Nina commented calmly as she took a second helping of dessert. "And yes, we're the one of the first packs ever in Britain."


"Who told you, anyway?" She asked curiously.

"Read it from the book," I gave air quotes. "Found it in the library today morning."

"Why were you in the library?" Nina asked casually.

I stiffened. "Um... had a bit of research to do... for school." I immediately took dessert, hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions if I couldn't answer. Nina didn't ask anything else, thankfully, and the rest of dinner passed uneventfully.

After bidding goodnight's to everyone, Hayley and I made our way to the towers, chatting about her new love life. Or rather, she was talking at fifty miles an hour and I just zoned out, occasionally nodding and mumbling, "Yeah....mhmm....sure..."

"And then Jason was so sweet to me after that-" Hayley suddenly froze, staring at something, or rather someone, in front of us.

I was still zoned out, but then Hayley gave me a sharp nudge, muttering, "Look up, idiot."

"Wha-?" I looked up to see Alpha walking towards us, his hands in his pockets, looking infuriatingly casual and relaxed. I tensed, taking a step backwards.

"Good evening," Hayley squeaked at him, and he nodded at her as she fled the scene. I resisted the urge to run after her.

"Hey there," he greeted affably, leaning in the wall in front of me. "Finished that book yet?"

"Are you nuts?" I asked him. "That book will take ages to read!"

"Just read the war history section," he rolled his eyes at me. "Gotta go, kitten. I trust you will read that soon enough." He walked away.

Kitten? Seriously?

"Do not call me kitten!" I growled at his retreating back, only to hear him laugh before turning around the corner. Feeling irritated, I stomped off to find Hayley.

"Will you be alright alone?" Hayley asked me anxiously as I pushed her out of my room.

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