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Yup. This is a filler chapter, hopefully you find it funny.


*clears throat and gives sweet smile* That will be all for today, thank you very much. Enjoy :)

~S xx

"Well, I don't know about you, but cake seems a really good option right now," I collapsed on a chair, sweaty and exhausted. Hayley had insisted on me accompanying her on her early morning jog before school, and now I was left with barely an hour to get ready.

"Cake?" Hayley gave me an amused look. "Who eats cake before breakfast?"

"Um, me?"

"You're going to have a healthy breakfast," she scolded as she pulled me up and marched me towards the dining hall. "Complete with eggs, bacon, waffles-"

"Are you taking me to the dining hall?" I asked in horror, before turning and twisting to try and get out of her grip. "No way, you doofus! Let me out, I'll eat in the kitchen!"

"Ooh, is somebody afraid of letting their mate see them like this?" Hayley teased as I stopped struggling and gave her a Really? look. However, as soon as I stopped struggling, I felt a hard shove and Hayley pushed me into the dining hall.

I've been victimized like this way too many times.

"I hate you―is that ham I see?"

"Yup, and Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream," Hayley drooled, standing behind me. "I haven't eaten in so long!"

"What are we waiting for?" All thoughts of exhaustion gone, I raced to get a tray.

"No cake?" Hayley laughed, loading her own with the waffles and a strawberry smoothie.

"Whipped cream and strawberries count as dessert anyways," I told her smugly. "Win win."


After taking the waffles, a dozen cold meats and chocolate milk, I trotted over to our table, where the rest of the gang were already sitting.

"You gonna eat all that?" Jamie asked me, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yup," I shrugged.

"But that's enough food for like, Nina and Hayley put together."

"Do they eat like one waffle each or something?" I asked. "Because this is how much I eat. And don't ask me how I'm still fit, 'cause I've gotten that question way too many times, really."

"Who said you're fit?" Nina teased.

"Don't make fun of her," Jason pouted as he slung an arm over my shoulder. "She's my fangirling buddy, so fuck off."

"No offence intended," Jamie laughed, and like that breakfast continued with our usual banter. As soon as all of us had finished, Jason turned to me, "Hey Mia? I need your help at the Academy today. We've got new weapons coming in, and I want you to try them out. Besides, Cyril told me you need practice with your fire?"

"Sure," I nodded, putting my tray away and walking outside with him as Nina, Jamie and Hayley waited for me near the stairs. "I'll come over after school. And yeah, my fire is still a bit wild, I need to tame it."

"We'll practice that too, then," Jason agreed, walking over to Hayley and giving her a swift kiss. "Bye, girls."

"Try not to get lost!" Hayley yelled at him from the stairs.

Jason turned bright red as he sputtered, "That was one time!"

We turned and rushed up the stairs as he shouted after us, laughing manically.

• • •

"Start," Jason motioned to me as he circled the arena warily, ready to dodge out of the way the minute I started firing.

Ha. Firing. Cause I have fire. Get it?

I feinted a move towards the right, and Jason nearly bolted. I grinned at him as he narrowed his eyes.

"Get your A game on," I called.

"I already have it-"

Whoosh! A trail of fire singed his arm as he yelped and shook his arm, a light burn on it. I smiled cheekily at him. "Move faster," I taunted as I sent a ball of fire, this time narrowly missing his leg.

"I'm already moving-"

"WAIT!" I yelled suddenly, making him freeze in his tracks.

"What is it with you and interrupting my senten-"

"I just remembered something!" I shouted again, making him glare at me.


"It's always been a lifelong ambition to do this," I told him solemnly, putting down my hands.

"What?" He repeated curiously.

"To sing this song in it's proper context," I told him with a straight face. There was utter silence as he watched me. The only sound was the faint twittering of the birds in the twilight background.

I made my hands glow with fire, and then slowly let it spread to the rest of my body, the blaze covering me from head to toe.

"THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIRE-" I began to bellow at the top of my lungs, dancing around madly as Jason began to crack up.

"THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIRE-" Several birds gave indignant squawks and loud whistles as entire flocks flew out from the trees. Probably at my singing. Well sucks for them.

"WOAHHHH OHHHH-" I was beginning to fear that Jason was going to have a heart attack right there from laughing so much.

I shut up when I no longer knew the lyrics, and waited patiently for Jason to recover, which he did slowly. Panting from both the singing and the full-body blaze, I decided to cram in a chocolate bar. At least I'm going to burn it off.

Ha. Burn it off. Burn. Get it?

Oh god, I'm too obsessed with Harry Styles. And I've been reading too much fanfiction with Harry and his puns.

"You really are something else," Jason wiped tears from his cheeks as he stood up, wincing at a stitch in his side. "Let's continue practice, shall we?"

Our training in the Initiation Centers continued for a good two hours or so, at the end of which Jason was red-faced and panting, while I was rapidly recovering from my energy loss, with the help of plenty of sugar. That is, doughnuts.

The Rejected ElementalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora