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A whole two months had passed since my eighteenth birthday and my first private training session. Since then, I had become a regular at the evening matches in the main Training Academy, had won many, was more in control of my powers than ever before, and had defeated Cyril countless times.

Surprisingly, since the attack the day of my birthday, the other packs had kept on the low, not doing anything. The peace was uneasy and undoubtedly temporary, but we had to enjoy it while it lasted.

The gang was as strong as ever, Cyril and Jamie were still engaged, Jason and Hayley were going strong, Nina still worked day shifts at the Medical Center, and I occasionally helped Dani by babysitting Brooke. I had made friends with nearly everybody in the pack, and it felt more at home than ever before.

Alpha Cole made his appearances as well, being flirty, serious and hot at all the same time: as bipolar as ever.

I has started going to high school, too. Granted, it had taken several bribes, offers of shopping trips, movies and ice cream from the girls before I agreed to go willingly, but still. I hated school, but I was going, and that's all that mattered. Even though school sucks.

Stay in school, kids.

• • •

"Goodnight, Mia," Hayley yawned as she pulled the blankets over her head and turned to sleep on my bed.

"Same," I called back as I settled on the couch with my phone to go on Instagram for a while before going to bed. We had helped out in the kitchens today after school, and were totally knackered by the end of it.

There was silence, and soon soft snores. I was really comfortable, and decided to sleep on the couch itself. After scrolling on my phone for a bit, I pulled a blanket over myself, and was soon asleep. In the middle of the night, though, I was woken up suddenly.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes to see that the bedside lamp was still lit, and filling my room with a warm glow. Not really knowing what had woken me up, I padded over to the small table by the window in my onesie, and grabbed a glass to fill it with water. I stood in the moonlight streaming in for a while. As my bedroom was on one of the highest towers of the castle, I had an excellent view of the front pack boundary.

I put my glass down, and as I turned away from the window, my eyes suddenly caught a dark shape flitting among the trees. Fully awake now, I turned back to the window and stared hard. Was it just the trees moving, or had an intruder actually been sneaking onto the grounds?

The dark shape moved again, and was joined by another. And another. And another. Suddenly, there were around thirty strange werewolves stalking around the boundary.

My eyes widened, as my throat ran dry. The two months of peace had been temporary after all. They were still outside the boundary, so no alarm had been raised, but it was only a matter of time. Soon there would be a full-fledged attack, and an imminent pack war.

Our werewolves are sleeping!

I ran away from the window and pulling open the door, stumbled outside into the dimly lit corridor. I ran faster than I'd ever had. There was no time to wake Hayley, Nina or any of the others. I had to go straight to Cyril at once, I did. The hallways and various doors passed by in a blur as I sped past. Skidding into the 'important' corridor which contained the Beta's room as well as other offices, I pounded loudly on his door.

A whole minute had passed and I was about to knock for the fourth time when Cyril pulled open the door, looking bleary-eyed and irritated.

"What the hell-"

"Security breach!" I panted, clutching a stitch on my side. Once again, I am not made for running!

His eyes shot open. "What? Where? How did you know-" he began to demand, but I raised a hand.

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