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"You!" I managed out as my former Alpha chuckled, a look of glee on his childish face. "Got you, didn't I?"

I remained silent, fuming.

"Now, now, no need to be so hostile," he purred, taking a step closer. "I won't harm you... you're way too valuable. An Elemental. Well, I lost you once, I'm not losing you again."

His voice turned hostile quickly. "Come with me, Mia, and your old pack will welcome you with welcome arms. Even your parents-"

"I have no parents."

His eyes turned hard. "Of course you have, you can't cast away your own blood."

"Funny you should say that," I snarled. "When they did the same to me, with your permission!"

"The past is in the past," he said slowly, his eyes glancing quickly towards the gates, where the Black Ice victors were still celebrating, through some had already left to take charge at the pack house. I did a quick, sweeping glance of the entire territory but was unable to see either Cole or Cyril anywhere. Nina was still being held by Francis.

"Correctly so," I shot back. "I've moved on. Black Ice has welcomed me warmly even when I had nothing to offer them... and my powers are just a thank you gift to them. I'm repaying the debt. I assure you, my family and friends are here. Nothing is left for me in Moon Stone. So thanks, but no."

I prepared to move away from him, but his arm shot out and grasped mine tightly, claws digging into my skin. I gave a cry of pain, struggling to get free. He gave a low, amused chuckle.

"Did you think you could just give some heroic speech and walk away from me like that?" he growled, his red eyes glowing inhumanely. "I will have you, and that's final!"

Drops of blood rolled down from my wrist and dripped onto the snow from the wound he was making with his claws. Something within me snapped as soon as I caught scent of my own blood.

Growling in rage, I grabbed his hand with a sudden burst of strength and snapped it like a twig. He pulled his arm back with a yell of pain and a look of absolute surprise on his face: I had managed to hurt an Alpha. An Alpha.

I nearly went animalistic, seeing red. Producing growls that I had never made before, I pounced at him, nearly ripping off his limbs. Managing to get Nina free, I cornered Francis as she ran to get help. Turning to look at the Alpha in front of me, I created an angry roar and moved towards him.

His red werewolf eyes were wide in horror, and without waiting, he turned tail and fled.

I chased him, for some reason intent on injuring him, shedding his blood. Moving with inhumane speed, I passed the trees and hills in a blur as I followed hot on the heels of the werewolf in front of me. Surprisingly, no rocks or sharp stones on the path registered any pain on my feet, instead I felt a padded softness under my legs which enabled me to move smoothly.

However, before I could get any closer to him, Francis managed to pass through the boundary. Enraged and frustrated, I gave a low whine and turned back towards the pack territory before the animalistic side of me that had surfaced slowly faded away, leaving me with a clear mind and recap of what I had just done.

I had growled, barked, whined, seen red, gotten an animal side: had I finally gotten what I had waited for all these years?

I looked down at myself, trembling, and gasped.

My pale skin had disappeared, covered in thick silver-white fur that covered my entire body up to my face and down to my legs and hands; or rather, my paws. Long, gleaming claws protruded from the padded flesh. Scarcely daring to believe what had happened, I bounded over towards a frozen pond nearby, noticing that I was not walking, instead moving on all fours.

Hovering over the icy, smooth surface, I stared at myself. The beautiful silver fur covered my entire face, and my eyes were shining a bright golden. Not yellow, like a Beta's, but bright, supernatural gold.

I gave a low howl, inwardly marveling at my own voice. I had waited eighteen years for this.

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