I walked home waiting for a reply from Liam, he still hasn't answered me. Which reminds me, why was Liam acting so weird and and called me Kat? I put my phone into my back pocket and pulled my keys out of my bag to unlock the front door. 

"Shit!" I mumbled accidentally dropping my keys. I bent over flipping my hair out of my face and I felt a hand touch mine. I jumped back, "Let me help you" Harry said with a smile across his face. I nodded and smiled, I can't believe I didn't realize him on my porch. "um, Thanks I guess" I said as he opened the door for me. I walked in and began to shut the door behind me until his hand stopped it from closing.

"Can I come in?" He asked in his deep sexy voice. I opened the door so he could come in, "So Liam tells me you're leaving?" Harry asked while taking his shoes off. "Yeah, my mom thinks it's best if I start over at a new school. Um.. Do you want a drink?" I started to walk towards the kitchen and I could hear Harry's foot steps behind.

"Water?" I opened the fridge door and looked back at Harry who was now leaning against my counter biting his lip, "No thanks" He said politely. I smiled and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Before I could even turned around, I felt arms on both sides of me snake around my waist. 

His warm lips pressed against my neck and nibbled on my skin. He turned my body around to face him, lifting me up onto the counter. I don't understand him, one minute he is cuddly with Ashley and next minute he is slowly seducing me.

"Harry we can't" I said in a faint voice as he continued to kiss my neck resting his hands on my waist. "And why not?" He said looking up meeting my eyes.

"My mom, I don't know when she will be home, and I don't want her walking in." That was the truth, but also I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it with Harry.

I mean Harry is sexy, I would definitely sleep with him, but it's my first time. Isn't it suppose to mean something? He's with Ashley is he not? but then again she didn't even show up with him at practice. "Whats this?" Harry picked up a piece of paper that sat upon the counter, must be from my mom.

"A note? It says... Katelyn, I'm sorry but I'm working very late tonight. You're on your own for dinner, I'll see you in the morning. Do not cause trouble!" Harry read the note out loud then tossed it giving me a grin. "She isn't coming home till late" Harry pulled me close to him. 

I was so nervous, why did my mom have to write that note. "Harry I'm nervous" I pushed Harry back gently. "Don't worry, I have a condom. It's not like you haven't done this before, plus I really like you" his green eyes stared into mine, I felt weak.

I grabbed Harry by the shirt in mid chest and pulled him close to me kissing his lips. "Katelyn I like this side of you" Harry lifted me up off the counter and I kept my legs wrapped around him.

Harry carrying me up the stairs bridle style into my room. He placed me on the bed and shut the door behind him, stripping his shirt off. I bit my lip looking at Harry's body, it was so irresistible. His abs were perfect and his defined body shape was amazing. 

He placed a leg on each side of me slowly moving his body down to me. I moved my hands from his chest up to his neck. His lips found mine and licked my bottom lip for an entrance. I opened my mouth letting Harry's tongue enter. I felt Harry's large hands undo each button of my blouse with one hand and the other hand behind my head.

I felt a breeze across my now bare stomach. Harry kissed my neck line while moving his hands to my lower region. Harry quickly pulled my jeans off, and began kissing my chest. 

"Are you sure?"  Harry paused, waiting for me to answer. I really wanted to but what if he left me, or worse if I became pregnant. Harry rolled over off of me, "What are you doing?" I sat up, asking confused. "Well you didn't answer so clearly you don't want to" Harry stood up fixing his curls, he looked disappointed.

"No Harry wait" I pulled Harry's arm so he would look at me. "I want to... I'm just scared you're.. going to leave me" I let go of his arm and turned my head towards the window, I felt like a loser saying I I was scared he would leave me.

"Katelyn, I wouldn't leave you. If you don't want to do it tonight I can wait." Harry said smiling, making me blush because he actually cared for what I wanted, no other guy was like that. "What about Ashley though.. aren't you with her?" I asked suspicious what was going on between them. Even though Ashley and I aren't friends I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings anymore.

"No.. Well I thought but she keeps going all over Zayn. She won't make up her mind who she likes and it's annoying. We got in a huge fight today .Anyways, I always liked you I guess I said mean things cause I was jealous" Harry jealous? That's what I was hoping for but now he looks upset. "I know your not the one for relationships but..... I really want to try having a relationship with you Katelyn" Harry grabbed my hand and stroked his thumb against the palm of my hand.

I couldn't stop smiling, "What are you smiling at?" Harry asked laughing a little. I was so happy Harry wanted to be with me plus he didn't have feelings for Ashley, Harry could actually become mine. "Harry, I'm sure" Harry looked confused, until I moved his head towards mine so our lips met another time.

Harry slipped his jeans off and pushed me back on the bed with him on top. Harry pulled my panties down and then his boxers to his mid thigh revealing his large member. 

His member touched my clit and I began to have butterflies wanting Harry more. His member entered me and I let out moans arching my back as he speed up. 


Harry sat up off the bed and putting his pants back on. "Where you going?" I asked rolling over to face him. "You're mom is going to be home, I have to go" Harry leaned in and kissed my forehead. "No stay please" I beg grabbing his arm, pulling him down. "Fine" Harry smiled.

I turned over to face the window, as I felt to warm arms wrap around my torso. I drifted to sleep with Harry's neck resting on my shoulder and his calm breathing. I felt safe with him, and he could be mine.


This chapter probably sucked sooo bad and I apologize I did it in a rush.
I'm sooo sorry but I have been so busy recently! I will always post once a week, but since I've been so busy I don't have the time to update twice. 

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