Chapter Eleven.

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Taylor's POV.
It was happy and sunny day. Not a cloud in sight. All around, nice weather. I was in a beautiful park with kids running around and I was with Zak. It was so colorful and happy. But it all changed quickly. The sky turned black and kids fell to their death. Everything was dying. Except me. I looked over and Zak's hand was decaying slowly and bloodily in my hand, as was his face and everything else about him. I screamed loudly and pulled my hand away. Everything was dead and had lost color. I heard a blood curdling scream come from my left side. A rose bush was there. It was the only thing filled with color and life now. But it quickly died when I revealed what was behind it. It was Desi. She was covered in blood and her almost lifeless body was on the ground. But someone was standing beside her. It looked like Chris... It was Chris... His eyes were a glowing in the darkness and I could see fangs covered in blood emerge from his wicked smile. His whit dress shirt was dyed red from Desi's blood. I screamed out. But who would hear me? Everyone was dead. I felt someones arm touch my shoulder and I jumped. When I turned, there was Zak's decaying body. He was covered in blood and his skin was basically melting away. I backed up as I screamed once more. I ran into someone and instantly felt a sharp pain in my neck. Everything went black once again...
*End of Dream*
I sprang up from my slumber and checked my neck immediately. I was breathing heavily. I felt Zak stir beside me and I heard him groan. I checked the time. It was only 5:32am. I looked over at Zak an his eyes were open slightly.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asked in his sexy morning voice. I sighed and nodded. What did that dream mean? Is Chris really a vampire? Could he really kill Desi? I had so many questions.

"I have to go check something." I had to know. I got up and put back on my clothes which were strung every where from the "fun" Zak and I had last night. I grabbed something to pick Desi and Chris's lock with and walked out. Zak followed me. I stopped in front of Desi and Chris's door. I could hear the TV on but I could also hear Desi sleep talking and Chris snoring. What an odd mix. I quietly picked the lock. I walked in and the room smelled of vanilla and sex. Two of Chris's favorite scents. Desi was peacefully asleep with her head on Chris's chest and his arms were wrapped around her. I couldn't see anything so I tripped over a few things. One of which was a whip... Yep. This is one odd couple. But at least I knew Desi and Chris were heavy sleepers. I looked over at Zak and he was looking around.

"So what are you looking for?" He asked as he picked something up.

"Put that down! Don't touch anything. I'm trying to figure out Chris's secret." I whisper/shouted at Zak. He put down the picture of Chris and Desi and then joined me by my side. Chris's mouth was agape a little bit. I could see two pointed teeth emerging from his gums. "I knew it!" I accidentally shouted a little too loud. Chris and Desi stirred and then Chris sat up. I slid under the bed and Zak hid behind the door.

"I think your little ghost friend wants to see you again. I remember locking the door. Did you get up at all, baby?" He asked as he got up to shut it. Desi lightly laughed.

"Zak, Taylor. What are you two doing in here?" She asked as she got up and turned on the light. Oh shit. Chris laughed and put his arm around Desi who was only in lingerie. I slid out from under the bed.

"I wanted the booty." I said as I ran up to her and grabbed her ass. She laughed.

"No. But seriously. Why are you under our bed?" She asked as she laughed a bit more.

"I wanted to see if you two were alive still. The moaning stopped and the bed stopped banging. I didn't know if you two died from exhaustion or what." I lied.

"Well, it is now 6am. I would like to get some sleep." Chris said as he laid back down. Desi laughed.

"Get some rest, baby. I'm going to make breakfast for them and then I'll join you." Desi said as she grabbed her sheer robe. It was see-through but it still worked. Nothing new to Zak and I to see Desi naked. She thought it was naked time all the time on the tour bus.

"Alright, french toast, pancakes, bacon, eggs, and biscuits with gravy. Come get it." Desi said about an hour later. I was starving oddly enough. I filled my plate and Desi dragged herself back up to her room to sleep. When I heard the door shut I turned to Zak.

"Chris is a vampire." I just laid it out there bluntly.

"What do you mean, babe?" Zak asked as he grabbed my hand.

"I mean, Chris is a blood sucking vampire. He never ages." I informed him as I took a sip of my Dr. Pepper. Zak shrugged.

"So? Desi is like, queen Satan. He can't hurt her." Zak said as he shrugged.

"He can. Vampires and demons put up a pretty nasty fight even though they're closely related." I was scared for Desi now...

"Chris isn't going to hurt Desi. He would've done it by now. If anything, Desi is going to hurt Chris. I can sense it. And not physically. I mean emotionally." Zak had that feeling as well... "I wouldn't worry too much about it though... Let's go take a shower." Zak said as he grabbed my hand. I smiled at him.
I slipped off my shorts and shirt as Zak turned on the water. He turned and looked at me.

"You have a beautiful body, Miss Taylor." He stated as he kissed me passionately. I smiled into the kiss. He was already undressed. We got in the shower and he cupped my breasts from behind. He but down on my neck and I let out a small moan. He slipped two fingers inside of me from behind and I moaned louder. That caused his to become hornier and the fun began...
Later that day Desi informed me she was going to be sleeping in my room that night since her wedding was the next day. I of course agreed to this. But I had no clue how big of a storm we were going to have that night.
At 3am Desi woke me up with her screaming because it was thundering and lightening wildly.

"Taylor! I'm scared! There's a huge storm!" She shouted as she shot up from her spot.

"All I see is a dumb ass in a bed! If you wake me up again, I'm gonna piss in my hand, and toss it in your face! Now go to bed!" I shouted. I then heard banging on the door.

"Desi is scared of storms! I have her Yoshi plush toy. Come grab it." It was Chris. I quickly opened the door and retrieved the Yoshi plush that Chris had gotten Desi for no apparent reason. After that she quickly fell asleep. Bets thing about Desi is that she falls asleep as easily as a baby when she wakes up in the middle of the night. I soon fell back into my slumber again....

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