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~-With you-~

A large yawn made its way past your lips as you wondered out of your shared room and into the nursery on the other side of the hall. You leaned against the doorframe and smiled sleepily.

Matthieu, your big, scary, murderer and Canada's second personification husband, cradled your tiny babe to his chest, gently rocked him back and forth, whispering not-so child friendly one-sided conversations. Things like, 'When you're older, you're gonna help daddy pummel uncle Al's ass,' or, 'I'll teach you to fuck shit up someday.' You smiled, but silently prayed that he really wouldn't do that.

Your child was born nine weeks early, so he was incredibly tiny. Matthieu was, don't tell anyone, horrified when you went into labor over two months early, and heavily hesitated when he was handed his child. When he finally did hold the babe, he refused to let anyone else take him. He chose his first name, and allowed you to choose the middle name. Rayan James Williams. Rayan looks exactly like his father, but much smaller and with you're eyes. When he was born, the doctor made a comment that Allen and Françoui snickered at. "Well, now you know she's not cheating on you with your brother or the mail man." Oliver was upset at this remark, and the doctor hasn't been seen since that day.

"Two months old, Rayan. You're two months old, and I still can't believe I was blessed with you and your mother. I'm a bad person, I really am. So how is it I'm so blessed? I swear, you're not going to grow up to be like me. You're going to be a kind man. Help people, make everyone's day, just like your mom." The Canadian whispered, then glanced up at you.

You giggled and made your way over. "You're not a bad person. You're getting better, Mattie. I love you." He smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to your lips.

"Love ya, too, (Name)." Gently, Matthieu handled Rayan over to you. The babe's (eye color) orbs fluttered open slowly before he cooed and reached up to you.

Matthieu wrapped an arm around your waist and allowed Rayan to tug and gum his fingers. The baby innocently stared up at his parents. You giggled again, resting your head on your husbands chest. Everything's perfect.

~-Time skip-~

"Mama!" Rayan squealed as he hobbled through the house, followed by a limping Píerre and tired Kuma. You laughed, and scooped up you child. "Waw waw!(rawr rawr)" He pointed down at Píerre, and unable to say his name, called him rawr rawr instead. "Puma!" And instead of Kuma, it was Puma.

You softly kissed his head and ruffled his hair. "What is it? What about Rawr rawr and Puma?" You asked, crouching in front of the two large carnivores.

Rayan giggled and pat Píerre large black nose. "Kitteh!" He shouted, the gasped when the front door opened. "Papa!" He shrieked, and bounced in your arms until you put him down. "Papa! Papa!" The little blonde boy scurried to his father and laughed when he was scooped up in the familiar large arms.

"Hey, Rayan! How's my boy been?" Matthieu asked, rubbing their noses together. Rayan patted his dad's cheeks, drool dribbling down his chin.

Allen wondered into the house, and ruffled his nephew's hair. "Hey, Lil' buddy!"

The year-and-a-half old baby out puffed out his cheeks and pointed at his uncle. "FAG!" He screamed with a big, toothy grin. "Uncle fag!" He bounced in his dad's arms, and both men paled at the outburst.

Your eyes widened. "What!?" You cried and snatched your child back. "Matthieu! How could you teach him that!?" You yelled, and he rubbed the back of his head.

"I didn't know he could hear me." The Canadian muttered.

Allen burst out laughing. "Guess who's not gettin' laid tonight!" He bellowed, collapsing on the new couch.

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