Chapter One

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*-With Matthieu-*

  With a sigh, the Canadian slung his hockey stick over his shoulder as he wondered through the dark, cool forest. "Quiet as a damn mouse." He muttered. He dug his hand down in his pocket for his cigarette box while keeping an eye out. Spotting something not far off, he squinted and froze. "What the-?" He dropped his box and darted over to the unfamiliar lump. About five feet away, Matthieu skidded to a stop. It was a girl. She was huddled underneath a thin, (favorite color) blanket with a small fawn curled up against her back and a mountain lion cub under her arm.

  Dirt smothered her face, but she looked peaceful. The blonde crouched down where he was and pushed his sunglasses on top of his head to get a better look. She had (hair color) hair that was in a tangled, leafy twig mess. Sighing again, he quietly shuffled over. "Hey. Wake up." He grumbled, lightly shaking her shoulder. Slowly, her (eye color) eyes fluttered open whereas the cub started growling when he spotted the Canadian and the fawn cowered back, but kept close to the girl. She sat up, yawning. "What're you doin' sleeping out here?" The girl blinked, then shrunk back, obviously shy.

  "Oh, uh, I'm sorry. Is this your property? I'll leave immediately." She started to get up, but Matthieu grabbed her wrist.

  "Wait." He muttered, standing up, the cub still growling at him. "Why are you sleeping out here? Don't you have a home?" He questioned, but had a pretty good idea that she didn't. She only shook her head, unable to make eye contact and below the dirt, her cheeks heated up at the skin contact. With a loud exhale, Matthieu rubbed the back of his head. "Why don't you come to my place? Stay there until someone comes to pick you up." He offered, although grudgingly.

  Instantly, her dull eyes saddened. "No one will come. I don't have any family or friends." She whispered, rubbing her arm and her gaze stuck on the ground. "All I have is these two. Lily," she geastured to the fawn, "and Píerre." She then scooped up the bristling cub, calming him slightly.

  The Canadian felt slight simpathy for her. "Alright, maybe you can stay at my place for a while. Maybe until you get a job or something. Maybe. You don't get to stay forever, though." The girl couldn't help but giggle, then she nodded. "Follow me." He ordered, then turned and trudged off in the direction of his home. The girl followed, Lily right behind her and Pierre in her arms along with the blanket. Matthieu allowed the girl in his cozy little home before entering himself.

  "You can take a shower. It's the first door on the left. There's shampoo and condioner in there as well as towels. I'll put a set of clothes for you by the door and I'll have some food prepared." He instructed, and she nodded, eyes darting to study every detail in the living area.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, the unknown girl made her way to the bathroom, soaking in each tiny detail as if she had never been inside an actual house before. Her animal friends followed closely behind her.

  Sighing, the Canadian did as he told her he would. He dug in his clothes, grabbed one of his plad button up shirts which was a little big on him, so he knew it would be rather large on her. He couldn't find any pants or anything to fit her, mostly because he tossed away whatever Oliver got him unless he actually liked it and it fit him, which the cheery brit almost never got. He left the shirt by the bathroom door, then started on dinner.

  Just as Matthieu was setting dinner on the table, the girl walked out, clad in only his shirt. The sight of her clean, smooth, and slim legs caused him to blush lightly, but not noticeably. She was twisting the fabric that hung over her hands as her own blush practically consumed her face. "I realized how we don't know each others names. I'm terribly sorry for not have introducing myself." She gave a slight bow, ducking her head, her wet, clean locks of hair falling over her shoulders. "My name is (first and last name)." Pierre weaved through her ankles, his fur glistening in the light, same with Lily.

  Her host scuffed, and pulled out a chair. "Stop with the formality. I'm Matthieu. But you can call me Matt. I'd prefer Matt." He muttered, sitting in the chair across the table. (Name) eased her way into the seat he had previously pulled out while nodded.

  "Uhm, thank you. For taking me in. I promise I won't be much trouble. I'll help around the house while you're busy, and I'll even make it seem as if I'm not-eek!" The girl then squealed, nearly falling back in her seat. Slightly startled, Matt glanced up. (Name) gathered herself up in her chair as she stared wide-eyed under the table. She mostly seemed startled rather than scared as well. "A bear?" She asked as a wet black nose poked up over the wood surface of the table to where Matt could see.

  The Canadian smiled slightly. "Oh yeah. (Name), meet Kuma."

  (Name) hesitated for a second before lightly stroking the polar bear's muzzle, then over his head and behind his ears. "Hi, Kuma." She smiled, continuing to give said bear attention.

  Matthieu grinned. "Honestly I'm surprised. He usually doesn't take a liking to anyone until he gets to know them, and he still hates my brother." He started, leaning back in his chair. "I guess it's a good thing if you're going to be staying a while."

  The rest of dinner was spent in silence with (Name) still petting and rubbing Kuma. Afterwards, while Matthieu cleaned up, (Name) played with the three animals in the living room. Pierre took a while, but warmed up to Kuma and played as well, but Lily pranced around the room playing chase the entire time.

  Once Matt finished, he plopped down on the couch and watched. Soon, when she noticed, (Name) got up off the floor and sat beside the Canadian. "So earlier, you said that you have a brother?" She wondered aloud, peering curiously at him.

  Matt let out a chuckle, running a hand down his face. "Sadly, yes. We absolutely hate each other, though. We're like arch enemy's or somethin'. He's completely overbearing and obnoxious."

  (Name) smiled sadly, then frowned before staring at her lap. "I had a brother." Matthieu blinked, then glanced at her, frowning as well. "We didn't always get along, but we were still close. Really close. Then, that one night..." Her voice started to shake and she trembled, tears building up in her (eye color) orbs. "We were... He..."

  Starting to feel weird, not awkward, just a feeling he wasn't used to, Matthieu scooted closer to her. "Hey, don't cry. Don't think about whatever it is. You can tell me when you're ready, 'Kay? Don't try everything all at once. I hear that makes pretty much everything worse." He muttered, awkwardly placing a hand on her shoulder.

  The girl nodded, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, sorry. It's just been so long since I've spoken to anyone about it. Or just to anyone in general." She sighed, her gaze stuck on the roughhousing animals in front of her.

  Matt nodded in slight understanding, then stood. "Well, it's late. We should probably get some sleep. We'll get to know each other more tomorrow. I'll show you to the room you're staying in." He instructed.

  Without hesitating, (Name) got up and followed. Pierre noticed her absence instantly, then darted after them. Matthieu had shown her to the door at the end of the hallway. "This is where you'll stay." He muttered, opening the slab of wood to reveal a cozy little room. In the far corner was a small, twin sized bed with a wooden frame. At the corner on the same side as the bed was a large wardrobe, which the girl presumed as empty. Last, but not least, there was a window perched above the headrest of the bed with cream-colored curtains to match the sheets and blanket on the bed. The flooring was a dark, hardwood along with the four walls.

  Her host sighed. "You can go in." He told her, and she instantly leapt on the bed. She bundled under the covers, moaning in delight.

  "It's so warm and soft! It's better then the bed I had before!" (Name) squealed, but her voice was slightly muffled by the sheets. Pierre crawled up on the sheets with her, seeming to test the mattress before curling up. Lily wiggled her way in the room and unsteadily jumped on the bed, shorty followed by Kuma. Just as Matthieu was closing the door, he heard a faint, "goodnight, Matt," come from the girl. It was faint, but he managed a smile.


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