Chapter EIGHT

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~-No one's POV-~

The next day, you had refused to leave the bed. Kuma, whom had been cleaned and was pure white again, stayed with you. About halfway through the day, Lily wandered into Matthieu's room and curled up with you on the bed. Matthieu and Allen had been out, cleaning and fixing what was broken after calling Oliver and François. Oliver was clearly upset, and Allen heard the tires screeching from the other line.

The brothers would occasionally check in on you and Píerre, then would return to cleaning.

"It's nine o'clock." Matthieu muttered, stepping in his room. "Are you hungry? You haven't eaten all day. You gotta eat somethin'."

You groaned, burrowing yourself in the mattress and hiding in the bear and deer. This action caused the Canadian to sigh. He made his way over and shooed Kuma to the end of the bed. Matthieu lay beside you, then wrapped an arm around your waist. You nuzzled into his warmth, still silent.

Matthieu rubbed your back and kissed your head. "You're worrin' me, (Name). I don't know what to do." He whispered into your hair.

For a while, you didn't respond. Matthieu had thought you fell asleep until you finally spoke up. "It's not something you can do... I just need to get over it myself. Just hearing all that, it horrified me. I can't seem to fathom the fact that you're a murderer... And I can't understand why I'm not scared of you..." The blonde blinked in surprise, but hadn't moved. "Is it... Is the reason I'm not scared of you because... Because I love you?" Your voice had dropped below a whisper, but Matthieu heard you loud and clear.

The Canadian took in a sharp intake of breath as his grip on you tightened.

"I don't understand..." You continued, your voice starting to waver. "How can I love you? You kill people, you were terrifyingly scary back there, but I still want you to hold me."

Once you finished, you pressed as close to Matthieu as you could. You didn't even realize what you had all said, you were still in a deep state of shock.

Matthieu stared at the wall behind you, his eyes wide. "You... You wha...? You love me?" He muttered, furrowing his brow deeply. "Love? I don't... You..." The Canadian stumbled aover his words, completely confused and unsure of what to say. "Love?"

You shifted to be able to look up at the confused man. "You've never loved?" You asked softly, starting to gather what you had said. Matthieu stared down at you, then shook his head slowly. You raised your hand and pressed it to his cheek. "I've only known family love... I don't even understand this kind of love." Slowly, with steady hands, you pushed Matthieu onto his back and you rolled over on top of him.

Your sudden actions dragged the Canadian further into puzzlement. You straddled Matthieu and had your hair hanging over one shoulder as you leaned down. "Just do what you feel you need to. Whatever you feel comfortable with." You whispered, then pressed your lips to his.

The Canadian took over the kiss, lightly nudging the two animals off the foot of the bed. Once the doe and bear was out of the room and Kuma shut the door, Matthieu firmly gripped your waist and flipped the both of you over so he was on top. This action surprised you, bringing you to let out a muffled yelp, but didn't make a move to stop him. The heat seemed to rise as you panted when you pulled apart. Matthieu started to kiss more aggressively, his hands roaming. Your fingers wove through his hair after you tugged it out of its hold and plucked off his sunglasses.

"You sure you want to do this?" Matthieu muttered, staring softly into your eyes. "Once I start, I won't stop." He warned.

You blinked, slightly surprise he'd asked you. He really didn't seem the type. But, you felt butterflies fluttering around inside you and you couldn't help the smile. "If I'm with you, I know you'll keep me safe. I know you won't hurt me. I love how it feels when you touch me. I do want this, I want to be completely bound to you, Mattie. I want to know everything about you. I don't care what it is." You told him, cupping his face in your hands.

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