Chapter Two

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*-With you-*

When you woke as the sun streamed over your eyelids, you refused to open them. You kept the blanket wrapped tightly around yourself as you buried your face in the pillow. You hummed happily at the warmth your body was receiving, then shot up to a sitting position in worry. Oh, no! I was kidnapped, or- you then froze before you worrisome thoughts continued. You steadily relaxed as the events from the previous nights flooded your mind. Lily and Pierre were cuddled up with Kuma at the foot of the bed, causing you to smile.

Voices came from the living area of the house. Oh, yeah! Matt said he has a brother! Maybe he's visiting! You giddily wondered as you slipped out of the bed Matt had so kindly let you barrow while you staid. The shirt the Canadian lent you was large, the sleeves hanging off your arms, and the hem of the shirt reached around mid-thigh. Silently, you krept down the hall, and peeked into the front room.

Matt was glaring at the brunette holding a baseball bat on the other side of the room, muttering something about, 'don't wake her up.' Beside Matt sat a similar looking man with his scruffy blonde hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and a cigarette hanging between his lips. You shivered when you spotted him puffing out smoke. That brought bad memories, but you quickly averted your eyes to the British man standing in the middle of the room. His hair was a pale strawberry blonde and his eyes were a bright baby-blue highlighted by purple and pink. It was odd, but intriguing to you. He wore a pink vest and a bright blue bowtie. He had this enlightening aura around him, and you couldn't help but smile.

The Brit was the first to notice you, and a large grin split his lips as his eyes sparkled. "Oh, don't be shy, poppet! Come out, come out!" He summoned, his voice bright and cheery just like his appearance. His sudden burst caused the other three men to glance towards you. Slowly, you slid out from your hiding spot, your cheeks no doubt a bright red. "Aren't you just the cutest thing!" The strawberry blonde squealed, bouncing towards you. He gently took your hands in his while he giggled. "Oh, dear, you're so pretty up close! My name is Oliver! But you can call me Olly if you want! Matt told us your name, so don't bother yourself in introducing yourself. You already met my baby, Mattie!" Oliver gently dragged you out in the opening, then gestured to Matt. The brunette snickered at Oliver's 'baby' comment, earning a dark glare from the Canadian. "That's François, my sweet husband!" François grunted, giving a small wave of the hand. "And he's Allen." Last, but not least, the sweet Brit gestured towards the brunette with the nailed bat, who smirked and winked your way.

"But you can call me Al, doll." He offered. You smiled and nodded as a response.

Oliver lightly smacked Al's arm. "Don't be vulgar!" He squeaked. Before Allen could protest, he grinned back at you. "I'm so glad we could meet you, poppet! My Mattie is an absolute sweetie when he wants to be!"

Yet again, Allen snickered. "Stuff it, ass-wipe." Matt grumbled, causing Oliver to gasp.

"Mattie! No swearing! Swear jar!" Out of no where, the Brit pulled out a mostly full jar of coins and dollars and held in front of the Canadian. Matt groaned, fishing a few coins out of his pocket, and dropped them in the jar. You giggled softly, watching. "No swearing in front of the poppet while she's here, alright?" Oliver compromised, and the three men he was scolding grunted a response. "Good!"

After a while of friendly conversing, you felt soft fur brush up against you legs and glanced down. Pierre, Kuma and Lily all had woken and come out to watch the family and the girl.

"Oh, poppet, I'm so terribly sorry! We're keeping you from eating breakfast! You must be absolutely starving!" Oliver cried, now dragging you to the dining room. He urged you to sit in a chair while he whipped up some breakfast.

Matt stepped in. "You better not make her anything 'special', Oliver." He muttered, sitting beside you.

The cheery Brit scoffed. "No! Why would I do that to the poor poppet? (Name) is too sweet and special for that." Olly pouted at Matt before continuing his cooking.

Matthieu sighed, chuckling. "Whatever."

You giggled, leaning towards your host. "You're family is interesting." You whispered, hoping none of the other heard you.

The Canadian nodded firmly in agreement. "Interesting is one way to put it. There's my dumbfuck of a brother, my grouchy, quiet, laid back dad, then there's Oliver." He then whistled, leaning back in his seat. "Oliver... He's certainly interesting. He hates it when people are disrespectful, he has, as you know, a swear jar for our family, and he's the cook. He also, since me and Al have been kids, told us to call him mom." Matthieu sighed, then raised a brow at you when you started a giggle fit. "What?"

You covered your mouth in an attempt to muffle your laughter, but that didn't work out so well. "I may not know much about families, but I do know, that you have one weird one. Probably one of the weirdest. Not because your parents are both guys, I think that's sweet, how much Oliver admires Françoi. That's cute. You and Al are totally obviously brother, even though you look nothing alike. You each have totally different personalities, but you've been together your entire lives. Al seems like a total playboy, but you..." You trailed,and gazed into his violet eyes as he waited for an explanation on what you think he is. "You took me in, allowed me to stay as long as I need, you haven't tried anything with me yet, in fact, I don't believe you've even flirted with me yet. And I only know what that is because while being out and about, I've watched couples, and drunks flirt. You've hardly even touched me." You felt your face start to burn as your sight darted around the room. "Thank you, again, Mattie."

After you finished, Matt stiffened. "Did you... Just call me Mattie?" He asked, sounding slightly perplexed after hearing you say his nickname Oliver had given him when he was little. Since your vision was directed someplace else, you weren't able to spot the small blush that dusted the Canadian's nose and cheeks.

Before you could answer, or even think, Oliver came crashing in as he squealed giddily. "Oh goodness, that was absolutely adorable!" He shrieked, placing the plates of fruit and pancakes on the table before glomping you in a tight hug and rubbing you cheeks together. "I heard the whole thing! It makes me so happy you like our family! I most certainly enjoy your company, poppet! I'm so glad my Mattie has been so kind to you!" The Brit bounced in joy as he skipped into the living room. "Come come, Al, Françoi! Breakfast is ready!" There was one groan, but the other man darted in the kitchen and plopped in the seat beside you.

Matthieu mumbled something under his breath, rolling his eyes. "Whatever."

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