Chapter Four

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~-With you-~

You peered out the window, Pierre dangling over your arms as you watched Matthieu's disappearing figure in the steadily lifting fog with a hockey stick slung over his shoulder and a gun in his other hand, nearly trailing on the ground. Taking a deep breath, you bit your lip and turned away once the fog completely consumed Matt. "Alright..." You muttering, setting the large cub down. "Time to start chores. I don't want to dissapoint Matthieu." You stated with determination.

Immediately you got on your chore list the Canadian gave you just before he left.

First on the list: 'Feed the animals. Kuma's food was in the fridge, the top shelf. Only give him one. You can also give Pierre one.' You shrugged, opening the fridge, and Kuma was immediately at your side with expectance. You stood on your tip toes and snatched the gallon sized bag packed with red meat. You opened the bag and plucked out a slice of the meat. Instantly the bear's ear lit up as you dangled the meat. He stood up on his hind legs and snatched the meat. A giggle came from you, and did the same thing with your mini Mountain Lion.

Second: 'Let the animals outside for a while while you sweep the floors. Don't mop, I need a new one. The one we got is broken. It got in Kuma's way.' Grinning, you watched the three animals race outside once you've opened the door. You grabbed the dented aluminum broom, and swept the wooden floors. That chore was done in only a matter of minutes. "Next chore!" You cheered, putting the broom up.

Third: 'Brush out Kuma's fur once you bring the animals inside, and make sure their feet aren't covered in mud and track it in the house.' So that is exactly what you did. After checking paws and hooves, you groomed Kuma's pristine white fur as he nudged you with his wet, black nose.

"That finished fast." You mumbled s you flopped down on the couch. Pierre jumped up and curled on your stomach, Lily and Kuma sat by the couch, watching as your eyes scanned over the list.

Fourth: 'Dust off bookshelf. When you're done, you can read a book because this chore list is done. I'll do my laundry when I get home. I'll also feed Kuma and Pierre.' After stroking the cat's fur and patting the bears and deer's heads, you followed the instructions you had been given. You held one hand over your nose and squinted your eyes as you dusted while you ran your gaze over the book names to see which one would catch your eye. "Hmm..." You tucked the feather duster under your arm as you pulled out a thick book. "'Born of Night?'"(An actual book! Pretty interesting, but it's a 18+.)

You lay back on the couch, and propped your arms on Pierre once he was settled on your belly. About seven chapters into the book, your eye lids started drooping, and you caught to stay awake. Sleep won you you over, and you practically passed out with the book laying on a sleeping Pierre and Kuma curled up at your feet and Lily at your side.

Two hours passed, and you were woken by Kuma tumbling at your feet and a door shutting. You rub your face, and nudged your cub to wake him. Lily scurried after Kuma, and slipped out the door with the bear. You rubbed your face as you followed the three animals, and peeked out the door, squinting momentarily at the light.

"You home, Mattie?" You muttered groggily. Once your eyes adjusted, you fully opened them to be met with the Canadian taking off his shirt and dumping it in a bucket of steaming water. Your widened gaze trailed over his well built torso.

"Yeah. Didn't mean to wake ya, though." He grumbled, sticking a cigarette between his lips and lighting it. He hasn't noticed your stare.

You shook your head, averting your gaze elsewhere. "No, you didn't wake me. I woke on my own." You bit down on your lip. "So did your hunting trip go well?" You asked, looking around to see his kill.

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