Chapter Three

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-*No one's POV*-

  Two weeks later and you already felt apart of the weird family. All of them were so kind to you. Oliver had gone and bought you a bunch of clothes so you didn't have to walk around in only Matthieu's shirt, however you still wore it to bed sometimes. You didn't know why, but his shirt gave you an odd sense of warmth and comfort.

  This evening, the sky was dark with gray clouds. You gulped hard, squeezing a steadily growing Pierre to your chest as you stared at the clouds, once again only wearing Matt's shirt and undergarments Oliver had kindly got you, surprisingly have gotten the right size.

  "You look scared." A deep voice had stated from next to you, causing you to jump.

  You shook your head as you turned to face your host. "No. I was actually just thinking. Uhm, anyway, did the other three leave already?" You pondered, not having heard the door for you had been too lost in your past.

  Matthieu took off his sunglasses and sighed. "Yup, and good thing for that. I sometimes feel like they're never going to leave. But it's time for you to go to bed. Lily and Kuma are already curled up in your bed." The Canadian stated, setting his shades on the table. "Anyway, I'm going out tomorrow. I usually take Kuma with me on my... Hunting trips, but I'm going to leave him here with you just in case. I'll be gone most the day. My family also won't be here, they'll be in America most likely. But Oliver pinned all their numbers on the fridge just in case you need them while I'm gone." Matt explained.

  You nodded. "OK. Uhm, well, good-night, Mattie." You mumbled, then shuffled off to the room you had been lent. Since Oliver had thought your room was extremely bland, he made Matthieu and Allen work together to paint the walls blue while he went and bought rugs to put by your bed, in front of your wordrobe, your nightstand and the door. On the nightstand was a pretty lamp decorated by colorful tulips.

  With a deep breath in and out, you curled up on your bed, careful of the three animals. You closed your eyes, and steadily fell into a light, dreamless sleep.


  Bam!! You shot up in the bed, panting with sweat and tears streaking your face, gluing your (hair color) hair to the sides of your face and to your forehead. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and scurried out of the room on unsteady feet. Almost as if panicking, you stumbled into the living room, your vision blurry from fear and tears. Thunder crashed again, causing you to scream and huddle up in the darkest corner of the room. You trembled as you tightly gripped your hair in your fists.

  Whimpers escaped your lips as neddles fell against the windows and sides of the house. Another crash shook the house, causing you to let out a cry of complete terror. Flashbacks raced through your mind; gunshots, screams, loud thuds of your family falling to the boarded floors. Without your knowledge, someone had hurriedly ran out of their room to figure out what was going on, and when they saw you, they tried snapping you out of your reverie. However, their touch only made you cower back as tears flowed like rivers.

  A pair of muscular arms circled around you, gently tugging you into their warmth and comfort. You clung to them and cried into their bare chest. "Pl-lease! Don't let them hurt me!" You wept, your memories flooding you so bad, you felt as if you had gone back in time and were reliving the pain. "Don't let them!"

  "No one's gonna hurt you." Whispered a deep, gentle voice. The voice sounded so familiar, but strange at the same time, like you weren't used to the gentle tone this person used. "I'm not gunna let anyone hurt you, (Name)." You were rocked back and forth as a large, strong hand rubbed up and down your back. Once you had calmed down a reasonable bit, the man spoke again. "Can you stand?" You nodded, and shakily got to your feet with him. However on your first step, your knees buckled under you, and you were glad the man still had his hold on you. He caught you before you fell too low, and sighed. "I'll carry you." You nodded, then squealed when you were scooped up in the firm, and warm pair of arms. You wrapped your own arms around his neck and nuzzled your face in his chest.

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