School is a Place for Learning not Talking

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Maya's POV

Today was that type of day where eating your problems away was everything. This morning was stressful and surprising. On the way to school I got a prison call that came from non-other then Ryan. Months ago I was told he escaped but I supposed that they caught him. Anyway, the call was mutual as if we were normal friends talking on the phone. He didn't even tell me anything, all he said was that he misses me and he'll see me soon... I still think that it's impossible for him to break out, the way I see it, Ryan had help. The little devil had a way of persuading, especially when it came to me. I shook my head on my way to the school doors, I was so foolish and lovestruck back then.

"Hola mi amigo!" Charlotte, Dylan, Victoria and Luke walked towards me with joy. I waved and waited for them to reach me but behind them I noticed a tall boy with brown hair and bright chocolate eyes. Zach...

"Hello." They all looked at me strange like I didn't speak english and to be honest I'm not sure if I did or not.

"What's wrong girlie," Char placed her hand over my shoulders, "usually you smile brighter then when you see us and school is where you get all giddy!" My best friend knew me to well but it was better she knew then stay clueless.

"Nothing is wrong, I just didn't sleep well-"

"Can we talk?" I was afraid he'd say something, it would be to good of a miracle if he didn't.

"No. School is a place for learning not talking." The rest of the group looked at us back a fourth with a growing smile. "Don't do it you guys," I knew what they were planning, "don't you dare!"

"THE NEW COUPLE ZACH AND MAYA ARE IN A FIGHT!!!" they yelled. To you it might seem like 'Oh ok so what." But in this stupid high school that I take so seriously, any little news is big news. That's just how boring the school is, even with the mean girls doing something dumb and mean everyday. I didn't even spare the group a look before I dashed into the building and straight to my locker. The quicker I am to class, the less I have to suffer from people. Why today Charlotte, why? Science was first, which so happens to be the class I have with Zach, right next to him! The kids flooded in like water to a stream five minutes later. Zach and Victoria walked in looking straight at me as if I was the light in the dark classroom. I'm not though, I'm Maya. Maya O'Brien the everyday nerd that sits in the back and is usually quiet unless being called on unfortunately, sadly that changed when Zach entered the school and saw me.

Not only was his mission for me to change as a bet, but it seems now that it's for me to date him! The world is always going to be cliche though, no matter what the person is always going to be with the one they either don't like or like. Even if it's a short time period. "Look Maya-"

"No, I said we can't talk, I don't want to talk to you yet!" He looked hurt but boohoo we all get hurt.


"No listen to me Zach, and listen closely. If you didn't come to my house picking at a fight 5 in the morning, then I was going to apologize. But you know what, I'm starting to realize that all of this, "I made a circle around us, "is not my fault. If you would have left me alone and declined that stupid bet then we wouldn't be in this problem. This is your fault and I have not a single thing to be sorry for. And if you have a problem with that Zachary, then you leave my life for good!" The class was silently but I didn't dare to look up. My eyes were glued to his eyes, face, movement. His expression was hard to read but I didn't want to see him leave, that's something that I knew for sure. I closed my eyes tight to make sure I knew what I was doing, I don't want to be the foolish girl like how I was with Ryan.

"Your right button," I audibly gasped, "you shouldn't have to apologize for anything and I shouldn't have a problem with that. I'm not leaving your life ever and I know you don't want me to. I've never been a relationship and I've never been able to control my anger but I know when its time to own up to something. I'm falling for you button, hard." He placed his hand on top of mine and it didn't take a genius to know he was looking at me waiting for an answer. "May..." how do you even reply to that?

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