Chapter 11~ Mommy Loves You Too!

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Chapter 11

When we arrive home, I realize I am extremely tired. After we put everything in a room that Jack claims to have put aside for the baby, I go lay in bed. After a long day, as soon as I hit the pillow, I am out.


“Mommy! Mommy!” I hear a little girl whispering in my ear. I open my eyes to see one of the most beautiful little girls I have ever seen.  Her blond hair is long and wavy. The kind of wave supermodels are jealous of.  It even has a few hints of brown in it.  Her eyes are big and green. A really light green with a hint of dark blue in them. You can already see hint of curves.   

Without thinking, I say “Yes, beautiful.” I see her smile and tug on my shirt. “Come look what me and Josh made for you.” She tells me. I get up from the bed and she tugs on my hand.  I follow her into the kitchen, where immediately you see flour all over. I laugh and ask what happened in here. I see Joshua standing in a pile of flour.

I look and see, in the flower, is written “We love you Mommy!” I smile at this. I walk over to the two little kids in my kitchen and give them a huge hug. I get down on my knees and in the flour write back “Mommy loves you too!”



I wake up and realize I have a huge smile on my face. I look down in my stomach and do something that probably every mother that just realize that they will be one does. I put my hand on my stomach and start touching it all over. I think about what is forming in me.  A child.

I lay there for a while and think about everything. After some thinking, I decide, randomly, that I want to paint the baby room. Something that will last him or her a long time. Something they will like a lot, but something they will be able to change whenever they want.  I lay there and think about it, and I come up with an idea.

Since I am only 16, I don’t have a job and have nothing to do now since I can’t go out in public without entirely changing my face, I decide that I am going to paint a mural on the wall. Its going to have a tree, and a tree house and everything else that is happy. But no rainbows. It has to be something that either a guy or a girl can have.

I walk out to the living room, where I see Jack assembling something like a crib or a table. I walk over to him and sit down. He looks at me, and I can tell he is still happy as can be.

“I was wondering if you could get me paint.” I ask/ tell him.

He looks at me with curious eyes. I look back at him. I give him a smile.

“Why do you need paint?” he asks me.

“Well, I want to paint the babies room. I mean I have nothing else to do so why not?” I ask him again.

He gives me a smile, kind of approving to me. Basically telling me that I have a good idea.

“Yeah. What colors do you want?” he asks me again.

I think about this for a second.

“Uhm. Well I am not sure. Let me draw what I am going to do and then I will let you know.” I tell him.

I get up and walk away into my room and go get paper. I sit down at a small desk and grab a pencil. I look at the paper and start with a tree.

Don't wakeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें