Chapter 9~one line

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Really short i know, i am sorry. But i will try and right. Please please please let me know what you think. I need help writing these and i literally dont care what you say as long as it helps me.

Chapter 9

About mid-day, Jack goes to the drug store to get me a pregnancy test. While he is gone, I explore and clean up the house I will now be living in. First I go back into the bedroom. You can tell what we did last night by the smell. I decide that I will clean this room up first. The smell is driving me crazy. It only takes me a few minutes saying that all I really need to do is pick up a few things and clean up the layer up dust.

When I finish in there, I head to the kitchen. There is stuff piled everywhere. I begin by just putting the stuff in the cupboards, then move from there. When he does, I immediately take it from him. I don’t know what I want it to be. If I am pregnant, then I am going to have a kid at 15. If I am not, we have to keep doing it, and I don’t know which one I want more.

I sit on the toilet and pee on the little stick. I wait in there for about two minutes till the thing clearly only has one line, not pregnant. Silently, I moan. I don’t want to be pregnant, but we have to go through that whole process again.

I walk out to relay the news.

“Uhm, I’m not pregnant.” I tell him.

He looks at me, eyes wide in disbelief.

“What?” he asks.

“I said I am not pregnant.” I tell him again.

“Oh.” Is all he says.

“Yeah. Sorry.” I say to him.

“Well I guess we just have to try again.” He tells me, a slight grin appearing on his face .

“Yeah.” I say, trying to seem happy about it.

We go on the rest of our day slightly trying to avoid each other. But as soon as dark hit, he starts kissing me again and touching me. Before long my clothes are on the ground in a pile next to his. I feel him pushing me onto the bed and getting on top of me.  I brace myself for the pain I know I am about to feel. And it comes.

He lunges in hard this time, not waiting for me to tell him its alright to go. I cry out once in pain as I try to pull myself back together. He keeps going in and out of me until he is quickly done. It doesn’t take him long, but in the end I know we are both exhausted.

When he is done, he rolls off me and falls asleep. I lay there thinking about the creature that will be forming in me soon.

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