Chapter 4~~Dont wake~~ The yellow room

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Sorry it took a bit, i have been really busy, and i will be getting even busier. But i will really try i promise.



Chapter 4

After spending a few days in the hospital, it is time to face the real world.  I am so nervous. But Carter and his mom invited me to come and stay at their house. I took the offer, figuring it was the only choice I had.

My mom was taken into custody, she is going to be in jail for a long time. I feel bad, she didn't do anything, but, then again, she witnessed everything and didn't stop it.

Carter drives us back to his house.  He has a large house, almost a mansion.  I have been here God-knows how many times, and I still am astounded by the size of it.

It is a large white house with blue shutters surrounding the outside windows.  From the outside, it looks pretty big. Not to mention the huge yard that seem would be for a family of 13 not 3.

Carters father died a few years ago.  He was in a really bad car accident. Lana, Carters' little sister, was also in it. She didn't die, but she came out slightly handicapped. You can hardly tell anymore, but it is still their. The other person in the car crash wasn't hurt whatsoever. He just kind of... left.

"Well, Addison, we are here. You can sleep in the guest room, right next to Carter." Lindsey, Carters mom, looked at me smiling. For a woman of forty, almost fifty, she is extremely attractive and fit. They have so much money that they don't need to worry about much. His father was a natural science manager.  He wasn't home very often but man did they make some money.

"Thank you, Lindsey." I say to her. We climb out of the car and walk to the house. I head to the back with Carter to grab my stuff that I brought, which really isn't much. Once we are done there, we head to the house. I slowly creep up the stairs. For the first time, I am intimidated by coming in this house.  For the first time I feel I am not worthy to come in. Maybe I am going crazy.

Yeah, that's it. I am going crazy.

"Addison." Carter says, looking at me. He slides his free hand onto the small of my back. "You look, out of it." Maybe he is right. There is just a lot on my mind.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Do you think I could just hang out in the guest room for a while by myself? I really have not had much... alone time." I tell him, hoping he will go for the bait.

He looks worried though. Like he is a little kid and I am the big bully, I just took his lunch money and the jewelry he stole from his mom for his little girlfriend, and now he won't be able to give it back.

"Oh. Yeah." He says. He leads me up to the guest room, where I could honestly go in my sleep, and drops my stuff off. Without saying anything, he just leaves. I lay on the already-made bed. The whole room I realize in blue and yellow. The bed in a pretty marine blue. The walls are painted a  golden yellow.  The carpet is the prettiest sapphire blue.

I gaze around trying to pull in each detail. How the bookcase, full of classic novels, many that I wish to read, matched the yellow way more than the blue, but curtains that match the blue way more than the yellow.

I lay  back on the bed, determined not to unpack till later. As I close my eyes and drift away, I realize this wont be hard.


                My ride slowly comes to a stop.  Someone standing in the booth next to the roller coaster announced that we could "exit to the left." I get off and walk down the ramp, opening me up to a whole new ocean of people. People I have never seen. People I may never see again.

I walk around, scanning the crowd. For what? I am not sure. But I continue to look. The wind bites at me neck, whipping my hair around my face. I breath in the afternoon air, testing it, challenging it to suffocate me.

I slowly cross the paths that criss-cross every way. I approach a shed. I see a plump man, probably about 30. I eye him uncertainly. I don't like the vibes he gives off. I don't know what draws me to him though, and I walk up to his stand, will him to entice me with whatever game he wants to play.

"Helllllooooo! My dear!" He bellowed. I looked at him, watching his chins giggle. The sight of him makes me sick. "Step right up. Let me guess your age, your weight..." he leans closer to me. "Or even your birth date." He whispers.

"You... can.... Uhm... go... for my... weight..." I finally manage to get out. I don't know why I chose this. I know I don't look my weight though. I weigh at least 140, but I know I only look about 120.

"For you, pretty lady, I am going to say... 115. Am I close? I sure hope so. Wouldn't want to have to give you a damned stuffed animal." 'when I could give you so much more.' He adds under his breath

"No, I am not 115. I am, 140."

"Well then deary, step right up on the scale"

I walk over to the scale next to the shed. I was off by 2 pounds. Supposedly I am 138. Whoop-di-doo.

"Ok, well dear, go right in the shed, and you will choose whatever, toy, you may like." He says with a suggestive tone.

I walk to the shed. I see that I will have to step in and get whatever one I want. I try not to go to far back, but all the animals or anything seem to be getting farther away. I need to get a stuffed animal! i continue walking until something under me gives way.  

I free fall for what seems like eternity. When I come crashing down, I smack hard into the concrete ground, but feel no pain.  Am I dead? I feel no broken bones. I look up, and see nothing. But as soon as I open my mouth to say something, some quickly has it covered with what feels like a hand. I swallow deeply,  trying not to cry.

"You will be ok." I hear. How come I don't believe this voice? Oh. Maybe cause I just feel for what seemed like ever and am now having my mouth covered by a person I don't know.  

I nod.

Slowly, I feel the air between us decline. Before I know it, he is right on top of me, his lips almost grazing mine. I want to speak. As him what he is doing.

I can't.

I feel him push his lips the rest of the way on mine. I don't kiss back. I have a reason, but I don't know.

"I want you." He tells me. I don't want you. I want to say it. Bad. But I can't.

He slowly slides his hands up and down me. I don't want this, but I don't want to stop it. I slides my shirt over my head. This is all going way to fast. His slides my pants down my waist till I am in nothing. I decide to give in. I feel him lunge, and a shooting pain down between.I cry out in pain, but no noise comes from my mouth. Tears well up in my eyes, and I let them fall.

The man doesn't stop though. He continues, thrusting hard and deep. Its hurts so bad. Suddenly, I feel something warm filling me up. I don't want this. I keep telling myself over and over.

It hurts so bad

I wake up, the feeling is gone, but I still hurt down there, even though I know nothing has happened. The light in the room is bright, and I am alone on top of the bed.  My hands are tangled in my hair. I free them and stand up, looking around for any signs of life in the room besides me.

I see nothing. I begin to tread my way out of the room. I come in on a beautiful scene. Lana is sitting on Carters lap, he is braiding her hair. Lindsay is sitting at a little table with a wine in her hand. Lana looks to have milk and Carter has lemonade.  I don't want to disturb them, so I quietly walk away to begin unpacking.

The room, now that I am awake, is huge. There is a walk in closet I didn't see before.  I get in there and it is huge.  I take all of my clothes out of my duffel and put them in seemingly proper spots. Careful to make it look as neat as possible, I refold everything.

"Addison." I hear him call out for me.

"In here." I call out. Before I can turn to see him walk in, I am being hugged from behind. I laugh at him, telling him he is silly. When I actually turn around, I scream.

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