Chapter 1: Golden Blood

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Just going to dedicate this chapter to NyxAbsol for making an amazing cover for this book. Go check out her work, it's incredible! Xx
Right, let's get to the story :)

-No one P.O.V-
"There, finished!" Lucy said cheerfully, sealing her letter. She added it to the pile of her Mom's letters in her draw. She smiled as she closed it, then went to draw a bath. She sighed with relaxation as she stepped into the hot water. She closed her eyes, but opened them immediately when the sound of crashing came from her bedroom.
"Ah happy, we're making a mess!" She heard. She sighed again but this time with anger.
"Naaasssstttuuu!" She cried, grabbing a towel and jumping out of the bath. She ran into the bedroom to see Natsu upside down on her bookshelf, and Happy hanging from the mini chandelier.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" She shouted, raising her hand as if to hit him. Natsu laughed, stood up and brushed himself down.
"It was Happy's fault!" He said, pointing at him.
"WHAT?!" Happy cried. He put his hands up, causing him to fall off the light and onto the coffee table. Natsu burst out laughing on the floor. Lucy put her head in her hands.
"What am I doing..." She said to herself. She was about to walk over to them when Virgo appeared.
"V-Virgo?!" Lucy said, suprised.
"I'm sorry, princess," Virgo said, bending down. "Would you like to punish me?"
"You're the one who came here!" Lucy shouted.
"The celestial king sent me," Virgo said.
"The moustache guy?" Natsu broke in.
"Why? Is there something wrong in the celestial world?" Lucy said worriedly.
"No, the celestial world is fine. It's this world that's the problem." Lucy blinked.
"...this world?..." She said.
"There has recently been a spirit that's been breaking many celestial laws. He's only a silver key, but yesterday, he opened his gate himself and came here, to Magnolia. We find it hard to believe. Most silver keys are simple creatures, like your little snowman friend. But this spirit..."
"A silver key opened his own gate?" Lucy said.
"The celestial king wanted to ask if you could find him and close his gate, since you own the most golden keys." Lucy hesitated, then nodded. Natsu jumped up out of his seat.
"Let's find this guy then," he said, clenching his fist in front of him. Virgo held her hands out and a silver key appeared with a gold rim.
"This is a key specially designed by the king so you can preform a forced gate closure without having to make a contract." She handed the key to Lucy. "Good luck, princess," she said, then disappeared back to the celestial world.
"Well, this was sudden," Lucy said, looking over at Natsu and Happy. Natsu grinned and put his thumb in the air.
"I'm ready to go!" He said cheerfully. "You up for this, happy?"
"Aye sir!" Happy cried, doing a flip in the air. Lucy laughed and grabbed her keys. She quickly got dressed, then returned to her friends.
"Let's do this then," she said, leaving the apartment. She ran outside, then stopped by the door.
"Now...where the hell is this guy?..." Lucy moaned. "He literally could be anywhere in Magnolia..."
Natsu soon after followed, with his fists in the air.
"Alright spirit guy where the hell are ya?!" He cried, waving his fists around. Lucy sighed, already exhausted. This is gonna be a long day... She thought. She got out one of her keys.
"Open, gate of the lion! Leo!" Loke shortly after appeared.
"Oh, hey Lucy. I heard you're looking for that silver spirit guy," He said, repositioning his glasses.
"How many people know about this?..." Lucy said.
"Well, all of your spirits know," he replied, laughing. "But you need to be careful. Apparently this guy is really strong," Loke added.
"Thanks for the pep talk..." Lucy said under her breath. "Can you tell us where he is, then?" She asked. Loke frowned at the question.
"I'd say, from sensing his celestial power, he's roughly South East of here," he said after a short pause.
"Ok, thanks!" Lucy said, smiling.
"Anytime," Loke replied, waving before returning.
Lucy then got out another key.
"Right then," She said. She spun the key in her hand, then swung it down. "Open! Gate of the Compass! Pyxis!" A sudden compass/bird poofed into existence. He danced around shortly before showing Lucy the way to go.
"Ok, let's do this guys!" She shouted excitedly.
"Aye sir!" Happy replied, zooming ahead.

"Are we here yet..." Natsu moaned.
"We're not going somewhere, we're looking for someone!...but now we're in the middle of a forest...and it's raining..." Lucy said angrily.
"A celestial Mage?!" A voice said. Lucy spun on her heel, and the first thing she could see was a yellow beam heading straight for her. Natsu jumped out towards her.
"Luc-!" The light hit her dead on. She fell backwards and hit a tree. After the light died down, she noticed that it was liquid. Then, it suddenly sunk into her skin and started to travel through her veins. Lucy screamed out in pain, as the liquid blended with her blood.
"What did you do to Lucy?!" Natsu shouted. A figure appeared behind a tree. He stepped forward and smiled. He was a tall muscular man with spiked, brown hair. Lucy stared at him through squinted eyes.
"How...could a silver key?..." She muttered. Happy flew by her side, trying to help. Natsu clenched his fist and fire started to burn around his fingers.
"You'll pay for this," he said fiercely. Then he dashed forward, sending his fist charging into the man's chest. Natsu went straight through him and the man's body faded into dust.
"W-what?" Natsu said, confused. Happy looked over at him.
"He escaped," Happy sighed, flying over. Natsu gritted his teeth and punched the tree.
"Dammit!" He shouted. Lucy held her stomach and sunk down the tree.
"Lucy!" Natsu cried, running over. She shut her eyes and sobbed, the pain growing stronger.
"What's happening to her?" Happy said.
"I don't know..." Natsu muttered. He took off his vest and picked up Lucy on his back. Happy took his vest and laid it over her.
"Let's get her back to the guild." Natsu told Happy.
"Aye," he replied, then they both took off the way they came.

Angelic Blood [Fairy Tail/Nalu Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora