Say Something

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So its a little short but chapter is longerrrrrr




“Louis!” I screamed as I ran out the front door and straight into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around as we both laughed.

“Julie!” he laughed as he finally put me down. He gave me a long, tight hug that I needed two months ago when he left. I pulled back and smiled at him.

“I missed you,” I said tapping his nose.

“I missed you too,” he said tapping mine. I hugged him again taking in every second of it in.

“Don’t I get a hug?” someone asked. I pulled back to see Harry smiling at me while extending his arms. I giggled as I ran right into them. He lifted me off of my feet as he hugged me tight. When are you going to tell him Julie, I thought as he put me down.

“I missed you so much,” he whispered in my ear making me blush alot.

“I missed you too,” I whispered back. He pulled back and smiled at me. I smiled as I hugged the other guys. Tell him!

“So Julie,” Louis said as he put his arm around me.

“So Louis,” I said looking up at him.

“We were thinking of going out tonight to celebrate us coming home,” he said.

“Where?” I asked.

“Club?” Niall suggested.

“Yes!” we all screamed.

“I’ll be here to pick you up at 5 okay?” Louis asked. I nodded as they all left. I ran back inside and into my bedroom. Have to impress Harry Julie! Shut up little voice in my head!  I grabbed a black cocktail dress with silver sparkles and silver high heels to match. I straightened my hair and put on enough makeup to make my eyes pop out. I glanced in the mirror and smiled. Harry’s gonna love it! Thank you little voice, I laughed to myself. I grabbed my clutch and ran down the stairs. The doorbell rang and I opened it to see Harry, again.

“You look stunning,” he said looking up and down. I blushed as I shut the door behind me and smiled up at him. TELL HIM! He grabbed my hand signaling the butterflies to take flight as we walked into the van. Louis smiled at me as we climbed in behind him. Harry didn’t let go of my hand. Why didn’t he let go of my hand? Louis turned around and smiled at me.

“We missed you a lot,” Louis said glancing at Harry. Harry nodded and squeezed my hand. I smiled back and squeezed it. Remember what Sydney said! SHUT UP VOICE! We finally arrived at this club and it turned out to also have a bar. Cool. Harry held my hand as we walked into the club. People were too busy partying to notice One Direction walking in. We all split up, except for Louis, Harry, and I. We walked over to the bar and sat on the stools.

“So how was tour?” I asked.

“Amazing,” Louis said.

“So much fun,” Harry added.

“Would’ve been better if you were there,” Harry said smirking at me.

“Aw,” I said blushing.

“I’ll be right back,” Harry said walking away. I nodded as Louis took my hands.

“So Jules,” Louis said leaning towards me.

“So Louis,” I said leaning to him.

“Are you glad I introduced you to the guys?” he asked.

“Absolutely,” I said. He smiled and hugged me.

“Want to dance?” he asked. I nodded as he led us onto the dance floor. Niall, Liam, and Zayn were already dancing with three other girls. Louis and I danced together for a few songs like old times. I realized that I really missed him a lot. We finally got tired and headed over to the bar to cool off. We ordered water and smiled at each other.

“Eleanor called me yesterday,” he said.

“What did she say?” I asked as I sipped my water.

“She loves me,” he said calmly. My eyes widened.

“What?” I asked even though I already knew.

“And I told her I love her back,” he said smiling.

“Aw Louis that’s great!” I said hugging him. He laughed as he pulled back.

“I never thought we would be together like that, but I’m really glad we are,” he said smiling.

“Well that’s good,” I said.

“I’ll be right back,” he said. I nodded and watched him walk away. I heard someone laugh really loudly.

“You’re so funny!” someone said. Out of the corner of my eye, I said a blonde girl playfully hitting a guy and laughing. The guy laughed also and fixed his brown curly hair. It can’t be, can it? I turned my head and froze. This can’t be true.

I was watching Harry flirt with another girl.





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