The Morning Meeting

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@supergirl97 & @zozoindazone are cuties...just saying

Chapter Time!!!



~Harry’s POV~

My eyes peaked open to see the sun shining through the curtains of the den. I looked next to me to see Julie asleep on my shoulder and our hands intertwined. I loved how close we’re becoming. I still never told her about why I’d said “whoa” at the park. I looked down at her hand in mine and noticed a charm bracelet. I started to play with the little charms, smiling at ones that were cute. There was a blue circle and a pink heart. I felt her move so I stopped. I looked at her face to see her gorgeous green eyes open slightly.

“Morning,” I said trying to keep calm as her green eyes pierced right through me.

“Morning,” she said smiling. She carefully slid her hand out of mine and stood up.

“Feeling better?” I asked.

“Actually, yeah. I feel fine!” she said as she stretched.

“Good,” I said smiling. She smiled down at me.

“Breakfast?” I asked standing up. She nodded and followed me out into the kitchen. We walked in to see Louis and Eleanor in pajamas.

“Hey!” Louis said as we walked in.

“Hey,” we said as we sat down.

“Hey!” Eleanor said.

“Hey Eleanor,” Julie said.

“Hey,” I said.

“So how was the movie?” Louis asked sitting next to me.

“What?” I asked.

“We came home and saw the movie playing in the den,” Eleanor said. Wait what!

“We saw you two asleep,” Louis said smirking. I glanced at Julie to see her face get red.

“Oh,” she said blushing like crazy.

“We both dozed off,” I said. They both nodded.

“You sick anymore Jules?” Louis asked.

“Nope! Harry took care of me and I feel so much better!” she said smiling at me. I smiled back then looked at Louis. He was smiling back at Julie.

“I should probably head home since I’m better now,” she said. Louis nodded and we each hugged her goodbye.

“Thanks for everything Haz,” she said.

“No problem Jules,” I said smiling. I locked her out and walked back into the kitchen.

“So you two last night?’ Louis asked smirking.

“What? Us sleeping?” I asked. He nodded.

“We just dozed off like that,” I said. Louis nodded and so did Eleanor.

“It was cute by the way,” she added. I smiled at Eleanor then back at Louis.

“So I’m going upstairs,” I said leaving them alone. I walked upstairs and into my room. I saw my phone light up with a text from Niall.

Simon wants to meet us. It’s urgent,” he wrote. I frowned, and then heard a knock at my door. I turned around to see Louis holding his phone.

“Text?” I asked. He nodded.

“It doesn’t sound good,” Louis said. I nodded as I slipped on my shoes. We were going to drop Eleanor off first then head to Simon’s office. I knew that this meeting wouldn’t be well. I had that feeling.

~Julie’s POV~

I arrived to my house and smiled. Last night was really nice. Harry took care of me and I feel so much better than I did yesterday. I walked through the front door and shut it. I decided to shower and I then changed into pajamas. I went on my laptop and decided to check twitter. A mention came up. It was from some girl, with a photo attached.

Just met Harry’s future girlfriend!” she wrote. Why did she tag me in it, I thought. I opened the photo and froze. It was that girl, Sydney, from the park. She asked me to get in a picture then told me that Haz and I were cute together. Oh my god! She posted it on twitter! What would Harry think? I closed twitter and spent the whole day watching TV. It was a super lazy day. I wondered what the boys were up to. What were they up to?

~Harry’s POV~

I ran my fingers through my curls as we all left the meeting. We were all silent as we went in the elevator.

“How do we tell her?” Louis asked me.

“I have no idea,” I said sadly. Simon told us we’re going on a two-month tour around England. We leave in two weeks.

“We have to tell everyone eventually,” Liam said.

“Yeah we should tell everyone now,” Zayn said.

“Yeah I agree,” Niall added. Louis grabbed my arm as the doors opened and everyone left.

“Let’s wait to tell Julie. She’ll get really upset if we tell her now,” Louis whispered. I nodded.

“Let’s tell her next week,” I suggested. Louis nodded as we all got back in our van. We all knew that telling people we were going on tour would be hard. It’s going to be the hardest telling Julie though. I can tell already.



Sorry if it's short!!!! The next chapter you guys will LOVE!!

Vote, Commnet, & Fan

pwetty pwease??


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