The Moment Where Everything Changed

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Here's chappie two!!!!!!!!! Also, if you comment, I''ll dedicate to you....

@supergirl97 I LOVE YOU




It was quiet. Too quiet

“Are they even here?” I asked quietly.

“Hello?” Louis yelled startling me.

“In the kitchen!” someone yelled back. We hung up our coats in his closet and I followed Louis into the kitchen. A guy with bleached blonde hair stood staring in the fridge.

“Niall you know Julie,” Louis said. Niall looked away from the fridge and at me. His eyes were a deep blue, deeper than Louis’. I shook his hand and smiled.

“Louis talks about you. He says you’re his best friend,” Niall said. I blushed and looked over at Louis, who was blushing.

“Aw Lou that’s so sweet,” I said. Louis smiled at the ground then smiled up at me.

“Who’s this?” someone asked. We turned around to see two more people walking into the kitchen.

“This is Julie,” Louis said.

“So this is the famous Julie!” the other one said. I saw a tattoo on his arm of a hand with crossing fingers. Very interesting.

“I’m Liam,” the one without tatoos said. He had short brown hair and soft, gentle brown eyes. He smiled at me while we shook hands so I smiled back. He walked over to Niall who was looking in the fridge again.

“I’m Zayn,” the one with the tatoo said. He had dark brown hair and dark, mysterious eyes.

“Hi,” I said.

“Where’s Harry?” Louis asked walking over to me.

“Den,” Zayn said sitting at the kitchen table next to Niall, who was now eating potato chips. Louis grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway. We walked into the den to see Harry sitting on the couch on his phone. The TV was on but he wasn’t paying attention to it.

“Hey Har,” Louis said. Harry looked up, quickly put his phone away, and stood up. I stared at the ground as Harry walked over to us.

“This is Julie. Julie this is Harry,” Louis said.

“Hey,” Harry said. I looked up at him and that’s where it all began.

“H-Hey,” I stuttered back. I stared right into his bright green eyes, which were just like mine. My eyes wondered over to his brown curly hair, which was like my hair but my hair was blonde. I looked back into his eyes. He smiled and so I smiled back at him.

“I’m Harry,” he said smiling cheekily. I blushed as I told him my name and shook his hand. I couldn’t stop staring in his eyes. There’s something about them that makes them so irresistible.

“So now you know the guys!” Louis said breaking the awkward silence.

“Yeah awesome,” I said not breaking my stare from Harry. I noticed that he was staring right back at me. I felt my cheeks got hot and I quickly stared at the floor.

“So you wanna head home now?” Louis asked. I nodded and he headed out.

“Wait,” Harry said. I turned around to see him taking out his phone. I turned my head to see Louis grabbing our coats.

“What’s up?” I asked as I walked back over to Harry.

“Can I have your number? Louis talked about you on tour and stuff. He said you’re amazing and really nice,” Harry said smiling. I smiled back.

“Sure,” I said blushing. I gave him my number and he texted me so I could have his number.

“I’ll see you soon?” Harry asked as Louis came in with my coat.

“Yeah definitely,” I said smiling. He smiled cheekily as he walked past us and joined the others in the kitchen.

“Here you go,” Louis said as he handed me my coat.

“Thanks,” I said as I put it on.

“Bye guys be back in a bit,” Louis said as we walked to the door.

“Bye,” I called out too.

“Bye Louis and Julie,” the guys called. I turned my head and glanced in the kitchen. I saw Liam, Zayn, and Niall on their phones. I saw Harry looking at me. I smiled and waved at him. He gave a small wave and smiled. I walked outside and Louis locked up his house. He held my hand as we walked back to my house.

“So do you want to meet Eleanor tomorrow?” he asked as we walked.

“How many more people am I meeting?” I laughed.

“No more after her I promise. But do you?” he asked.

“Sure why not,” I said. Louis smiled down at me.

“At least I have time to prepare myself to look nice!” I laughed as I nudged him. He nudged me back and we laughed. We finally got to my house and I pulled out my key.

“Night Lou,” I said as I hugged him.

“Night Jules,” he said as I opened my door. I waved as he walked back down the dark streets. I closed my door and locked it. I walked upstairs and into my room. I changed out of my outfit and into an old tee shirt and sweatpants. I pulled my phone out of my coat to see the text message from Harry.

Hey it’s Harry ;),” he wrote. I laughed a little and smiled as I typed back,

Hey Harry :D.”

I saved his number in my contacts and charged my phone. I got under my covers and put my iPod on shuffle. I listen to music to help me fall asleep at night. Just listening to my favorite songs helps calm me down so I can sleep. I heard a bunch of Ed Sheeran songs come on and I smiled a bit. As I drifted to sleep, I thought of Harry. Why are you thinking of Harry! You just met him, I thought. Yeah, why was I thinking of Harry? That’s weird. I felt my body start to relax and my eyes start to close. The last thing I heard was the line “I’m falling for your eyes but they don’t know me yet” before everything went dark and the world became silent. 



So that was chapter 2! What did y'all think?? (yeah that's right! I said y'all!!!!)

LOL no seriously.....PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!


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