Ch. 23

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A/N: Well one chapter and the epilogue left. I want to thank everyone again for being with me throughout this story!  GOOD NEWS- I'VE DECITED THAT I AM GOING TO DO A SEQUEL...MORE NEWS ON THAT LATER! 

CH 23

(Alisha’s POV)

It’s been two days since that dreadful day. I was cooped up in my room the entire time not wanting to have anything to do with anybody.

My mind kept replaying what happened and I felt gross and scared still. I hated Joe for what he’s done. Mom was having a cow, literally.

When Tunks and Vladimir dropped me off that night mom was having hysterics. She kept screaming at me and them trying to figure out what happened and when finally had the courage to tell her that I was insulted she broke down crying and then thanked Tunks and Vlad for being there to help me. Of course we kept the fact of it being gang related on the down low. I heard on the news later that there were five arrested at the factory and mom kept talking about it wondering what happened since when the police showed up they didn’t find who beat up the locals but did find a bunch of weapons and drugs to arrest them so they all was going back to jail including Layla.

Staring out the window I kept watching people walk by laughing and talking like nothing bad comes in this world. I knew differently now and I also knew that when one bad thing happens they keep happening.

Vlad hasn’t been here to see me since then. No calls, no visits, no nothing. I didn’t take it personally though since Olivia came by and told me that Vlad was taking it hard and being in more of a bad mood then usual. I knew he was blaming his self and a part of me wanted to comfort him but I knew this was something he wanted and needed to do on his own.

“Honey, can I come in?” I heard mom asked lightly knocking on the door

“Yeah” I said so she could hear

When she came in she wasn’t alone. All three of my sisters were with her. I haven’t’ spoken to any of them only my mother so seeing them look at me with pity and guilt made my stomach churn. I didn’t want to see pity; it only reminded me what happened.

“Hey little sister” Alexandra said sitting down beside me on my bed.

I smiled at her, “Hey, what you all doing here?” I asked looking around

The twins shrugged, “We miss you sissy” Abigail said

“Yeah, I mean we want to help” Anna said joining me and Alex on the bed

“Thanks guys” I smiled fully, “I love you guys so much. I’m sorry I’ve been…distant” I said

Mom looked like she wanted to cry again so she turned and left. She’s been doing that since she knew I was trying to move on in life.

“So tell me what’s new at school?” I asked the twins.

Yup I have been not going to school this past few days since mom wanted me to heal and to take my time. Anna and Abigail bring home my homework for me everyday.

“Well there’s a new boy in our class,” Anna started

Abigail nodded, “Oh yeah total hotness”

I laughed along with Alexandra who was shaking her head. It’s like my sisters to only see the hotness in boys.

“I seen Olivia today” Alex put in

I frowned, “Really?” I asked

I haven’t really spoken to any of the gang nor Olivia since she told me about Vladimir. Pearl and Evie have tried to visit but I always told mom to tell them I wasn’t up to it.

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