Ch. 2

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CH. 2

When lunch came around I found myself sitting in my normal table aka the farthest from everyone and alone since Olivia had lunch in the science lab. Grabbing my apple and taking a bite of it I realized that someone was sitting across from me. Gulping I looked up.

“Hey” Vlad said with a small smile, I just stared. He chuckled and four of his friends that I seen him with before took seats around the table with us. “These are my friends, Tunks, Howie, Layla, and Pearl.

“Hi” I said shyly not used to the attention

Tunks I had brown spiked hair with blonde tips and blue eyes. With a piercing in his ear. Howie looked like him but with blonde hair and grey eyes I assumed they were siblings. Layla had bluish black hair that flowed down to her hips and piercing bright blue eyes and Pearl had dark red hair with brown eyes.

“So you’re what made us change seats,” Howie stated simply taking a bite of his peanut butter sandwich

“Excuse me?” I asked not understanding

Pearl smiled, “It’s not very common when Vladimir tells us and I quote, ‘Hey we’re not sitting here because there’s a sheep that needs our help’” she said rolling her eyes

I looked at Vlad wide eyed, “Sheep? What does that mean?” I asked slightly upset over being called an animal

He chuckled again, “Just that you’re a black sheep that needs up in the world” he stated

“I I I I do not need any help thank you, I’m capable of taking care of myself” I stood “And for your information I don’t like you so leave me alone” I turned and started walking out of the cafeteria only to get half way across the room and slip on some water falling flat on my behind.

Looking around I noticed everyone staring at me and laughing making me flush with embarrassment

“If you knew how to take care of yourself you could have been able to see the sign that says ‘watch your step, wet floor’” Layla yelled causing everyone to laugh louder

I looked over to Vlad who wasn’t laughing but he did have a glint in his eye and a smile on his face. Noticing that I was looking he nodded his head and turned to Tunks and said something to him causing Tunks to nod and stand walking towards me. I frowned before I felt someone tug on my arm getting my attention.

“Are you ok?” my sister Anna asked

I smiled, “Yeah I’m fine thanks, I’ll see you at home ok?” she nodded before walking back toward her friends. That’s the one thing about me and my sisters Anna and Abigail they had friends I didn’t.

“Hey, Vlad wanted me to tell you that after school he’ll take you home.” Tunks stated

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