My mouth opens to finally say something, but he comes forward and puts a finger on my lips.

"Don't ruin it. Let's just cuddle..."

Just cuddle?

No sex?

I feel something sink to the pit of my stomach. I was right. He doesn't think of me in a sexual manner. I'm just the dorky girl that lives in the same dorm as him. I guess that's what I get for at least trying to be cool with him.

"Okay," I whisper. If I had my dignity, or at least if I wasn't this intoxicated, I would say no and go back to the couch. Unfortunately, that isn't my case. He slips inside the covers and opens it for me to crawl in. Am I supposed to take my shirt off too? Or like leave it on? Cause I don't know how this works.. Never once have I "cuddled".

"I don't bite, I promise," Austin informs me when I still haven't gotten in his bed. I give him a shy smile and climb in. My heart is beating a little to fast for my liking. He pulls my back into his chest. Uhh... Am I just supposed to lay here? It's as if I'm a virgin to again. His warmth gives me chills, but the good kind of chills. His head falls somewhere in between my head and shoulder.

This isn't so bad. I can see what Amber's always talking about now. Maybe I've made the mistake of always hitting them and quitting them too much. Never once has someone made me feel this... safe.. secure... like there's not a world going on outside of this room.

I'm positive that most people who drink with their handsome roommate would not end up in his bed just laying wrapped up in each other arms, but I guess we're not most people. Most people would be doing drinking games and having crazy fights or even possibly inviting other friends over to join the party. In this most i'm kind of glad we're not like most people.

Does this cuddling thing have rules like no talking or can I ask him questions? Cause honestly i'm not going to be able to keep my mouth shut the whole time.

"Tell me why you leave at night at strange hours and then return early in the morning.." I ask breaking the silence that has found its way around us.

"You notice that?" He asks, his voice becoming groggy. No wonder his body has became slightly heavier.

"Yeah.." I practically whisper.

He takes a while to answer. I'm starting to think he won't whenever he finally does. Maybe I've asked too much just by asking that.

Good job Riley.

"My moms ill," he says letting out a long sigh and removing his arms from around me. He falls back onto his back and into the mattress. I roll over to my opposite side to look at him. He swipes his hand through his hair, letting it fall back on to his forehead. He looks worn just thinking about it. I can tell he doesn't really want to talk much more on this subject when he doesn't continue on, so I don't pester on.

Just because she's ill doesn't mean he has to be gone at the most bizarre hours though. I'll bring it up another time.. If it's really important, I'll find out one day, right?

"Oh," I finally faintly reply. He looks back at me. Tonight in this dim light his eyes are bright with a new type of shade of green. It sounds weird, but they tell me he's more open on talking than he's ever been since we met. I'm guessing it's the alcohol messing with him too.

"Tell me something no one knows about you," he asks me. Well, he doesn't really ask as much as he implies that I answer.

I look at him in confusion. Not at his question, but at what I should reply with. What do people not know about me?

Okay, I've got this.

I sit up and cross my legs at his side.

"In first grade I got married to my best friend Tyler and we had a kid named Beau. I was such a whore. I never even informed him that I was divorcing him. I just left."

Austin looks at me with such a strange look. He chuckles just a little before saying "that's all you've got?"

I giggle and shake my head. "Oh, well I have a birthmark the shape of a horse head on my ass. No one I think really knows that."

What's impressive is i'm throwing these answers out without even thinking about them. This is a new low for me. Why would I tell him these stories rather than something interesting and that would make him fall for me. Why do I even want him to fall for me? Do I want him to fall for me?

He starts laughing and puts an arm over his eyes.

"A horse head?" he repeats.

"It's not funny!" I giggle and slightly shove him. He peaks through his arm, laughing.

"It is pretty funny," he says and then sits up to mimic my posture. "But that's okay, I have a birthmark the shape of California right above my dick."

My eyes grow at his sudden bluntness.

I laugh this time.


He nods and points towards his crotch.

"I mean if you don't believe me, you can look for yourself."

I laugh even harder. Maybe he does see me in a sexual way.

I guess I'll never know.

"I believe you," I say and look down to my hands. I pull my ring that I have on my right hand off and put it back on a couple times.

"Tonight was nice," he says grabbing one of my hands. He plays with it for a while.

"Yeah, it was," I reply, letting my fingers somehow fall in between his fingers. My eyes flick up to his. He's starring at me in a way that he hasn't before. I watch as his body grows closer. Instead of his lips finding their way to mine, he presses a sweet kiss on my cheek. I smile. I know I'm blushing hardcore on the outside.

"Let's go to bed," he says, laying back down, pulling me with him. I fall back to the same place I was before our small chat. This time he's closer, or I've made myself closer. I haven't decided yet.

He gently pulls the covers over us and before I fall asleep completely, I hear a small snore in my ear.

Oh Mr. Vercetti, tonight has been one heck of a night.

Thank you..



Sooooo, what'd yah think? I'd love some sort of feedback! My routine comment-ers, thank you! I look forward to it every time I get an email with y'alls name on it! I don't have much to say tonight, so goodnight :D

P.S. What if you've fallen in love with your best friend? What do you do?

much love, -//K.L.

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