Although I would never even let him even think I felt that way.

And I would most likely go back to hating his guts in a matter of minutes, but I just couldn't get past the way he seemed like a completely different person as he comforted me.

He just needed the walls that had been built up to broken down.

He reminded me of... well, me.

"Sounds good to me." he repeated my words from earlier, just to get on my nerves.

But it didn't work, I was determined to think happy thoughts if at all possible, which so far...

I wasn't doing to well.


After a few more tries, and a whole lot of stepping on Dylan's head, we finally clawed our way out of the building once we decided not try a two person stunt team. All I had to say is that I was glad we were on the first floor, or getting past the teachers that more often times than not roamed the hallways would be a lot harder than I would've expected at first.

"So... Where are we going?" I did my best to sound happy, even though I desperately still wanted to continue my fit of sobs that I started earlier. I probably just came across sounding like one of those creepy characters from a cartoon you watched when you were five.

Dylan looked at me questioningly because of my sudden jovial attitude. "You alright?"

"Why? Is something wrong?" I raised my voice, completely forgetting about trying to be nice. Old habits die hard.

I quickly corrected myself "I mean, er, no. Why would there be anything wrong?" I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.

"No. Nothing weird at all." he replied, sounding a little unsure of his answer, and most likely what mood I was in. Truth was, I didn't even know.

It's not my fault that I don't know how to be nice.

"And to answer your question, we're going to the skate park. I just need to go home and get my board." he flipped his hood over his head.

"What?! The skate park? I don't know how to skateboard and I don't want to learn how!" I crossed my arms defiantly, and that annoying voice in the back of my head reminded me to be nice, or at least act like it if I wanted any kind of chance at getting my old life back.

"I mean. This should be... an enlightening experience!" I gave a fake smile. "It's always a good thing to try something new." speaking those positive words tasted like pennies on my tongue.

Dylan looked back at me again like I had just grown another head. "Alright?"

"Is there anyone at your house right now?" I jogged to catch up with him, trying to meet the strides of his long legs. I think he sensed that, and started walking faster because he didn't like the fact that I was walking right with him.

"No." he put his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"Oh." I was hoping Scott would have been there, since it was just lunch, and some people go home for lunch. I thought maybe he would decide to ditch, too. At least I would get to to see where he lived.

I looked down at my feet, growing sweaty in the black flip flops I was wearing. These were the worst — and pretty much only — shoes in that entire closet I could have worn for walking.

"Just how long does it take to get your house?" I could feel the heat radiating up to my face from the asphalt of the street as we crossed it.

"However long it takes." he replied shortly.

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