"just like i do in yours." i said back.

she smiled warmly and made her way over.

"want me to take her baby?" she said.

i looked down at vicky.

"no it's okay. i think i'll stay with her for a while." i said in a low voice so they didn't wake.

she nodded and kissed my temple.

"i'll be in our room playing Xbox."

i chuckled, "of course you are. have fun."

"oh i will." she said and winked, leaving the nursery room.

i stood up and carried victoria to the rocking chair.

i sat down and turned on the TV, putting it on a low volume and watched the big bang theory.

tori sometimes stirred and she made the cutest noises.

man i love being a mom.

cece pov

"man i love having sex." i said as i held hanna in my arms on the couch.

"who doesn't?" she asked and chuckled.


"this is true." she said and giggled.

i smiled and kissed the back of her head, "that was amazing. probably the best i've ever had." i admitted and blushed.

she nodded, "yeah...me too."

i smiled, a flutter kicking in my stomach.

"hanna?" she looked at me, "yeah?"

i gulped, "well...what...what um are we now?" i asked confidently.

she shrugged, "whatever you want us to be."

i smiled, "i want to be with you. i want to hold your hand and be able to walk around, calling you my girlfriend." i said, completely spilling my feelings.

she smiled happily, "did you just ask me to be your girlfriend?"

i smiled back, "that depends...are you saying yes?"

"well i'm not saying no." she teased.

"so if it's not no it's either yes or not in a millions years."


"or there's that."

"there's what?" she asked confused.

i sighed, "the part where you say 'cece...i really like you but i don't think it's right.' and all that shit. just forget it hanna. i'm so-"

she stopped me and kissed me.

when she pulled away i smiled, "well that was a clever way to shut someone up."

she smirked, "you never let me finish you bitch. i was going to say. cece...i really like you and i want to try this. yes i'll be your girlfriend."

i laughed, "my prediction was way off."

she nodded, "ya think dumb ass?"

i smiled and pulled her into me, kissing her passionately.

"we should probably get dressed." i said, pulling away.

"oh yeah!" she said and we stood up, getting back into our clothes.

"should we tell them?" hanna asked.

i thought for a minute.

"or...we can go all bad ass and keep it a secret. until we are ready because...i don't know if i'm ready to come out yet." i said honestly.

"but you said you want to hold my hand." she said, confused again.

"i know. but when i'm ready han. you are my girlfriend. just please?"

she sighed, "yeah. i'm not ready either. so we keep our relationship a secret until we are ready and figure out the right way to tell them." hanna said.

i smiled and kissed her, "let's go 007." i said and smirked.

she laughed and we skipped upstairs.


emisonfields Call_Me_Chancey

happy now? XD lmao.

review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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