Chapter 24: I'm really queen?

Start from the beginning

"The King will have too many guards around him," I looked at the water with him. He finally looked happy.

"You have a power. You are more than just a Luna Mia. You were always more," their pictures started to fade. My mother took my cheeks in her hands and caressed my hair.

"Please don't go," tears came to my eyes as I grabbed her.

"Don't worry little mouse. I promise I'll be back," I was stuck in the darkness again.

Everything was gone.

Aiden's Pov

"Shh," I watched Mia rock Aaron to sleep,"Rock-a-bye, baby in the treetop. When the wind blows the cradle will rock. When the wind breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and all," she would start singing then change to Spanish,"Rock-a-bye, bebé en la copa del árbol. Cuando el viento sopla del Cradle Will Rock. Cuando el viento rompe la cuna caerá y abajo vendrá cuna bebé y todo."

"I think he's asleep," I whispered so I didn't wake him. She looked down at him then back up at me.

"Thank you for bringing him to me," she pushed his hair from his forehead. He looked so peaceful when he slept, but doesn't everyone when they sleep?

"Maya, when are you going to give me Mia back," she frowned at the ground.

"Soon I guess. Whenever the sun comes up," she spoke softly like she didn't want to go away. Like she didn't want to be locked inside Mia's mind.

I sat on the ground and watched her rock Aaron some more. She still hummed the same song slowly. Mia or Maya was such a good mother. Why couldn't I be a good father? She was so good at it. She did it on her own for a while and yet I can't even get him to listen to me.

Was Luke a better father than me? He probably was. He was a better everything than me. A better mate. A better friend. A better brother. A better person altogether. Luke was better than me and there was nothing I could do to change it.

He would always be better than me. I just hoped that Mia didn't chose him over me.

"Why are you so hard in thought? I don't think I've ever seen Aiden Barnes think so much. I can see the smoke from the gears going in your head," she bit her bottom lip.

"Very funny," I crossed my arms then sighed,"I was thinking about how Luke was such a better person than I am. I'm afraid that she will pick him over me. If she was able to get me back, she will be able to get him back."

Maya laughed. It was nothing like Mia's laugh. Her laugh was more dainty. She sounded more like a girly girl.

"Mia cried in his arms for you. All she's ever wanted was you. Now that she has you, she's changed, but you haven't. She wants you, but she wants you to be a better person," she looked at Aaron then held him out for me to take him.

I looked at him in her arms and shook my head,"no. He deserves someone better. He doesn't deserve me. He needs someone that can take care of him. Isaac and Ivy do too. I can't do that."

"You'll learn how to do that," she kissed Aaron on the forehead then closed her eyes.

I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her. She smiled under my lips. Her hand was on my cheek and this time, I didn't pull away.

When she pulled away and opened her eyes, they were brighter. She was Mia now. Mia was staring at me then down to Aaron.

"D...did I do that to your face?" I nodded slowly.

"It's okay," I whispered as she ran her hand over Aaron's forehead,"Mia...did you like Luke more than me? Is he better then me?"

She seemed to think about it for awhile before answering me. I squeezed my hands into fists and put them in my pockets. I was nervous. What if she did pick Luke over me? Mia was my whole world.

"I thought you were going to tell me someone died with the stuttering you were doing. I've never seen you stutter before. Is that what you really want to know? If I like Luke more than you?" I frowned at her and she crossed her arms.

"You're stalling," she sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

"I'm not going to lie. Luke was a better person than you. He was patient and kind and he took care of his children. He quit smoking and drinking. You and Luke were the same person. I'll always love you, but Luke will always be a part of me. Aiden, you don't have to be worried. I love you and I wouldn't trade you for anything," she went to put her hand on my cheek then pulled away. She knew I didn't like that.

"I'm sorry for being me," I shrugged and stared at the ground.

"I want to get out of here," I could tell something freaked her out but I didn't know what.

"Let's go," she picked up Aaron and tried to stand up. The chains were still locked around her ankles and wrists. She looked down at them and frowned.

I took a key out my pocket and unhooked the chains. She stood up and walked towards the door. Once outside, she smiled at Kidd and handed Aaron to her.

She turned around to me and slapped me. I swallowed, staring at the wall. I wanted to ask why she did it but I knew she was going to explain.

"That's for kissing Maya and for letting her hold your cheeks and pulling away from me," she took Aaron back in her arms and walked towards the house.

"You and Maya are the same person," she turned back to me. The silver was starting to come to her eyes.

"Kidd, take Aaron up to his room," I watched Mia hand him over then turn back to me. She walked to me and pushed me into the wall.


"We are not the same person. Were you and Luke the same person? If you want some girly girl, you go and get one. If you're so worried about me loving Luke more than you, you need to start acting like a mate," she put her finger into my chest,"act like a man Aiden. You're not a child anymore. You can't just get drunk and forget about everything. You can't do that. Act like a mate. You need to grow up before I continue loving you."

She pulled away and walked towards the pack house. I watched her go then stared at the ground. I needed to grow up. I needed to grow up?

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