I'm a fluffy unicorn... (I can't think of titles)

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Quote of the day: "Pizza and I are getting married. And then we will have pizza children...and I'll eat them."- Moi (that means "me" in French)
Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut-up.
If people in horror movies listened to me, they would still be alive.
Person 1: I just got back from the hospital!
Person 2: Omg why???
Person 1: My Mom had twins!!! :):):):)
Person 2: OMG HOW MANY????
Person 1: ...
Clara. She's a keeper.
I don't always say something stupid. But when I do, I keep talking to make it worse.
When I play a fighting game, I press random buttons and hope for the best.

Teacher: Why are you talking during my lesson?
Me: Why are you teaching during my conversation?

Dear face wash commercials, nobody, actually splashes their face with water like that. Sincerely, my whole damn bathroom floor is wet.

Mom look! "Oh, that's nice sweetie" Oh that's cool how you saw without looking.

You+me= aWEsome
Mom: "What are you doing?"
Me: "I'm upstairs being a teenager" I say, as I text and listen to music.

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.- Ellen DeGeneres

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