Chapter Five

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Note: the above picture is what Naruto will look like when he's captain.

Naruto faced a raccoon but his blue eyes picked up another moving target from behind. His eyes had widened and chills  continued to run up his spine. The man was giving Naruto a creepy smile- the man also had on a white haori along with a short sword that was hanging from his side.

"Captain Komomura and Captain Ichimaru" Naruto heard Jidanbo fearfully state.

"It's your job to keep him out; not let him pass" the voice was like a snake. It somehow, reminded Naruto of the Snake Sannin, Orochimaru, back home. Naruto didn't like this guy; pure and simple. He glanced at the raccoon- noting that he didn't say or do anything. Maybe he was waiting to see who won? Naruto didn't give mind to the big guy, and focused his attention to the snake.

"You will let me pass." Naruto yelled energetically being his brash self. "Who are you to be giving me, a Captain, orders?" the snake like voice asked, his attack came rapidly and if it weren't for Naruto's ninja skills it would have pierced him through the chest. Thank Kami, for all the extra training sessions Kakashi made him do. "Aw, I missed. It won't happen again." He replied, refocusing his attack.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I will become a Soul Reaper. You better believe it."

Naruto went into action.

Leaping up into the air, dodging Ichimaru's attack.

He noticed that he was a lot faster than normal, and it excited him. Even if he didn't have any chakra he could still use kunai and shuriken. He threw an array of weapons towards the snake-like guy, disappearing and reappearing behind him. He felt a surge of energy coming from somewhere, he used it to his advantage. Not worrying about where all this power was coming from. It felt like wind chakra and he made a slicing motion with his hand, the wind-like power formed into a sharp sword, impaling his opponent quickly. It didn't leave that much for escape, even if the person was extremely fast on avoiding his attack. 

"I don't believe it."

"Look at him, who is he?"

"Did he just..."

Naruto looked up to see a crowd of people hovering on the sidelines. All of them were wearing black and white bath robes. They had a look of confusion written upon their faces.

"Well, that was different, but  have to say you have my gratitude. Ichimaru was a bastard of a Captain So, congrats kid on making Captain."

Naruto smiled. He didn't know what he meant, but he smiled anyhow. 

Author's Note- So I know that was way to quick. And that, in the anime there is no way that Ichimaru could be defeated that easily. But, this is Fanfiction for a reason. Also, I've updated, as you can see and I decided to keep on writing. So, thanks for all the helpful reviews they mean a lot. In addition, future chapters will be longer.

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