"Just take a lot of breaks." I suggested.

"You know your grandma going to want me up and walking. She thinks that she's the boss of everything. " My grandpa whined making laugh. 44 years. That's how long they have been together, the were still teenagers when they married each other, they wait to have kids till their mid twenties. Even though they have been together for a long time, the love they feel for each other hasn't dulled over the years... it just has grown. They still act like teenagers at times with each other and it's cute to watch.

"I will try to help you tonight when I'm not run around tonight." I sighed suddenly feeling anxious about the gala again.

"I forgot you planned the whole thing in five weeks. That's impressive and I know that this will be a party to remember." My grandpa squeezed my arm softly.

"Hopefully for good reasons." I mumbled.

"You're a Scott. Scott do amazing things when it comes to work." I laughed.

"I hope I fit in the category. It was fun talking to you, but if I don't hurry up and go down stairs and get ready, grandma might come up here and drag me by my ears." I kissed my grandpa goodbye and ran to the basement.

"There you are! Sam, Carter is right here so you don't have to call her phone. I noticed my grandma and Sam was already dressed, the only person who as missing was Denise .

"Where is Denise?" I asked.

"She just went upstairs as you were coming down, but you can see her when you get dressed and ready. Now sit down in the chair so Sam can do your hair." I shrank back due to the tone of my grandma's voice, but immediately sat down in the chair.

"I am going upstairs to check on your stubborn grandpa." My grandma said before exiting out of the room.

Sam was snickering as she put on my make-up, but I wasn't paying her no attention. The nerves were starting to get to me again. I kept thinking about the gala, what if I messed it up ? What if it this time my wasn't enough?

"What's wrong, Carter?" Sam asked me with a concerned expression on her face.

"I'm fine." I lied

"What do I need to do?" Sam asked, but I shook my head.

"It's nothing, I'm fine."

"Your breathing is irregular." Sam pointed out.

"My phone, give me my phone." Sam gave me my phone and I immediately called the one person who calm my nerves on this subject matter.... Damon.

"Hey." Damon answered on the fourth ring.

"Hey." My breathing was totally wrong.

"Put him on speaker because I'm still doing your make-up and hair." Sam whispered.

"What's wrong baby?" Damon's voice sounded concerned over the phone.

"You're on speaker now, but I'm nervous... like really nervous."

"What about this gala is making you nervous, tell me what's bothering you?"

"This is a very big moment at work for me, and if this gala is a total flop then, I will take the blame for it. I just don't want to mess this up like I do everything else."

"Why are you doubting yourself so much?"

"Because sometimes my best isn't always enough."

"Did you try your hardest to make this gala the best Manes Corp has ever hosted?" Damon asked me.

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