It's been 3 years... Brace Yourselves

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#3yearsofsilence #rant

Le Rant 

It's been 3 years since I last wrote something related to Degrassi and Mr fine eyed Munro Chambers aka Eli Goldsworthy, and the reason is... This was my first ever story, in this case Fan Fic, that I have ever written and I tried making a sequel for it but I think there was no way to save this cringe fest that is Under Your Warm Embrace, like I had some rude people arguing about how "Eli wouldn't say that" or "You need to stick to the character" . Like no offence but stfu. This was my first story and it says so people person.

The only reason I haven't deleted it from my account is that even though it makes me cringe when I read it, some of you guys, the none haters, still actually enjoy it and even though I think I could have done better this is my baby, it opened the door to me writting more which was something I had wanted to do for so long but kept putting off.

Bare with me english ain't my first language so I know there are looooooads of grammar mistakes up in here but I try.

So yeah, I'm keeping this here even if it's mehh. But thank you to those that still to this day vote and comment about how they like the story, it means a lot. And yes this was a miny rant, I don't really lash out much since I think it's stupid to try to reason with those that say rude things. If you are one of those people, the ones that have nothing better to do with there life then to get online to just post nasty comments, I feel sorry for you.

Le Rant Ends

Also without spoilers, who else expected more out of the Degrassi finally? 

Personally I expected more but it was a bit I don't know, not what I would have liked to see, sure there were some small things that were nice but I just think it was rushed and some stuff just came out of nowhere, completely unexpected my friend. 

What did you guys think?

Under Your Warm Embrace - Eli Goldsworthy *Being Edited*Where stories live. Discover now