Chapter 19

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Dedicated to HeldAtPointBlank for her messages and ideas.

I walk out of the room. Shutting the door behind me quietly. My mind is spinning. It's evolving around Luke. His blond hair. Sparkling, ocean like eyes. His expression when he stormed out. I feel like I want to cry. Like I want to scream. But I can't find it in me. I've cried enough today. So instead I feel nothing.

I hold my head up high as I walk down the corridor. I've got five minutes until the bell goes. Where has all that time gone. I stride straight to my next class, biology. At least if I'm early I will get a space at the back.

I arrive with two minutes to the bell. There's already a short queue of people outside. A few heads turn my way, then quickly turn back into their group gossiping. I guess the story about my late entry to art has travelled around the whole year.

"Is it true that you got a detention and that's why you were crying?" One of the girls in the queue asks me. I think her name is Emma. She has short black, curly hair, and grey eyes which are framed by thick, black, nerd glasses. Red spots cover her forehead and cheeks. I glare at her.

"Shut your mouth. You know nothing about what's wrong. I would of thought that you'd be smarter than to listen to rumours, clearly we were both wrong!" I shout at her. A few people turn to stare at me in shock. I glare at them. "There's nothing to look at here. Move along." One jock winks at me. I hear a few murmurs like, "Whoa tiger." And "PMS much." I roll my eyes and ignore them. Looking back at Emma.

Her and her friends look taken aback. In ways I am too. I can't believe I just did that. Where did I get all that anger and confidence from? Nobody is looking at me though apart from Emma's gang. I stare at them expectantly. Quickly they swivel. Not another word being uttered under their breath. I smirk.

We are soon ushered into the classroom. I don't speak another word. I push past Lucy, one of Emma's friends to get a seat at the back. Her red hair bounces as she jumps out of my way.

I slide into a seat at the back, near the window. The sky and sun is hidden behind grey/black clouds. Rain pours down on the grey courtyard, where the year 7's normally spend their break times. It's raining cats and dogs.

My hair has grown lots in the last few months. It's now almost brushing my elbows. I pull my chocolate hair into a messy bun on top of my hair, using a black, elastic from my wrist.

"Miss Matthews, scarf." I hear a low, voice say. I look up. My biology teacher is standing at the front of the class his hair in its usual, messy white pony tail. I slide my scarf off from around my neck and stuff it into my bag. I must of forgotten to take it off earlier.

Mr Thomas begins talking, striding around the room in his usual waddle. I try to pay attention like normal but a certain person with blue eyes and perfect blond hair, keeps on invading my mind. The fight repeating itself repetitively. I don't put my hand up like usual, answering all the questions. Instead I slouch in my chair, hoping that at any minute I will turn invisible and just disappear into thin air. At least it's lunch after this.

I copy Emma's notes into my own book. Barely even paying attention to what I'm writing.

"Can you answer the question, Miss Matthews?" My head snaps up at my name. Thirty pairs of eyes turn to face me.

"What was it sir?" I ask. I feel heat rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Why is the left side of the heart bigger than the right?" Come Ella you know this.

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