Chapter 4

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Dedicated to izzyvigo for her ideas, votes and comments.


Luke's POV

I'm laying in bed and all I can think of is her. The way her hands felt on my stomach. She's so small, yet her personality is bold and outgoing. I love it when she blushes, it makes her chocolate brown eyes shine out. She's so beautiful. The way her hair waves, with curls at the end, just past her shoulders.

I rearrange my pillows, so I'm looking up at my blue ceiling. It's covered with posters. Girls in bikinis, with rockin' bodies! My favourite bands. Photos of the team, my friends.

Then her face pops into my mind again. I don't know why. She's not my usual type. She's smart, funny, beautiful. I'm a player, exactly like she said. I sleep around with different girls and it's true, I have never had an actual girlfriend. But I've never felt this way about a girl before. I know I'm meant to be a bad ass, tough and everything but the feeling kind of scares me. I'm now gonna shut up and sleep before I sound too much like a girl.


I pull into the car park on my black motor bike. My normal parking space is free, I pull into it and stop the engine. Removing my helmet I swing off my bike in one swift motion. I clip the helmet onto the handle bars and walk towards the school.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I Jump. Someone chuckles. Bailey.
"What do you want Reed?" I ask sighing.

"Just warning you. Rose is waiting for you near tutor." Rose Milton. I slept with her once maybe twice, I was drunk. And now she thinks we're dating.

"Great. Lets just get this over with." I sigh.

"Good man." Bailey says squeezing my shoulders. We stride along the corridor, people move out of our way quickly. It's as if we're in a movie.
We round the corner to tutor, I hear a squeal and a familiar bobbing red head. Rose. She is like a barbie, completely unnatural. She's orange from her foundation, her eyes are covered with eye shadow and eyeliner. She has successfully managed to make the uniform skimpy, I don't think her skirt can honestly be called a skirt anymore she,s undone the first few buttons of her shirt to reveal her neck and some of her boobs, her bra is black lingerie. She looks awful, drunk or not I can't believe I slept with her. She'd actually be quite pretty if she wore less makeup and sorted out her uniform. I'm low but I like to think I'm not that low.

"Baby." she squeals in her annoying high pitch voice.

"Don't call me that." I snap. Her smile fades and she looks shocked. "What do you want Rose?"

"You." She replies grabbing the front of my shirt, while her other hand plays with the edge of my tie. She lifts her lips up to kiss my throat.

"Whoa, Rose we're not dating. back off." I say raising my voice and pushing her away from me and stepping back.

"Baby, don't be like that."

"Rose, go away."

"Come on Lukey. You love me." She is really pushing me to the limit. She moves closer to me and grabs my bicep.

"Back off Rose, take a hint. I don't love you. It was a one night stand, I was drunk. I wouldn't remember if you hadn't told me." I yell at her harshly. Tears cloud her eyes, threatening to spill. We've attracted a crowd, I spot a few year sevens terrified, in their pristine uniform. Everyone is staring at us. She looks at me with pure disgust. She turns away to walk in the opposite direction but at the last moment she turns and slaps me across the face. Bailey bursts into laughter. While everyone else gossips to each other, shocked. If it had been a guy I would of full on knocked him out cold right then and there. I watch her walk away. God, that girl can slap.

"You've got a red handprint mate." Bailey comments laughing. I reach up to touch where she slapped me. It hurts like hell. I shove Bailey's head away from me messing up his hair. I chuckle at his expression.


I walk into first period. Art. I immediately spot her, she's sitting at a table, Charlotte and Ben opposite her. Nerdy Ben. He's really annoying. Looking at him he reminds me of a mouse. I chuckle quietly. She looks so beautiful. She's laughing at something Charlotte said. I glance at my seat, I normally get moved to the 'naughty table' anyway, so ignoring my seat I stride over to the spare seat next to her and throw my bag down. She looks at me in surprise. God she's beautiful. Have I mentioned how jaw dropping gorgeous she is? She glances at Charlotte, they're both confused.

"Hi." I say, smirking at her. She blushes. God I love it when she blushes. For some reason I get a sudden urge to kiss her on the cheek, just for her reaction. Of course only for that reason not because I want to or anything. Pah!

"Hey." Her voice is beautiful, like wind chimes, sweet and delicate.

"Mind if I sit here?" I ask, although I'm not gonna move even if she does mind. I can smell her perfume. Vanilla and strawberries. I smirk at her again.

"Even if I did mind you'd still sit here anyway." She points out. Oh baby, she gets me. "Its a free country, anyway."

"Good." She blushes again. Oh God. I know it sounds really girly but I think I just melted inside.

Just then our art teacher walks in. Mrs Grey. She's so old, I doubt she's even noticed that I've moved. Anyway I'm bad ass. I don't care. She begins to babble on about art and what our next piece will be on. I'm only half listening. It's really distracting sitting next to her. Gabriella Matthews. Shes so.... So perfect. It matches each one of her features. She even makes the classic tartan skirt, black knee socks, white shirt, green and blue tie and blazer work, which is pretty hard. Isn't that what school uniform is designed for, to make all girls seem ugly. Me and the lads have a joke about that. Which is the school only make the girls where that disgusting uniform to keep us players away. I guess boys look ok, as long as they're tall and have a bit of muscle, which I happen to have. Smug face. What I'm a bad boy I'm meant to be full of myself.

She notices that I'm looking at her and shifts uncomfortably, she's clearly trying to avoid my gaze. I have an effect over her. She turns her head slightly to look at me

"Why are you looking at me?"

"You're beautiful." I reply shortly. She blushes. I don't know why but I really want to kiss her. "Haven't you noticed yet?"

"Is the bad boy complementing me?" She teases smirking at me.

"You're gorgeous. You have brown hair, which is a warm colour and has a curl at the end that bounces. You're chocolate brown eyes, would make any guy melt."

"Is there a reason for these compliments?" She asks. To my dismay she has stopped blushing.

"Was your dad a thief, because he's stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."

"Heard if before. That's got to be the lamest pick up line I've ever heard."

"Miss Matthews do you have something to share to the class?" Mrs Grey asks, her scrawny hands on her hips. The whole class turns to face her. Her face flashes red. Gah that blush again.

"No miss."

"Sorry Miss that was my fault." I say surprising myself. I have never stuck up for any one before. I don't know what came over me. Grey gives us both a glare and continues teaching.

"Thanks." She whispers in my ear. I turn quickly. Our lips brush. We're at the back of the class. Before she can pull away, I kiss her, to my surprise she kisses me back. she pulls away before anything else happens and faves the front of the class, her cheeks as red as flames.

The sensation of her lips against mine was amazing. Nothing like I'd felt with any other girl. There were sparks between us which I can't ignore. It was unique.... magical.

Oh no, I think I'm falling for the good girl.

And she will be mine.

What do you think so far? Please comment and vote. Would love to hear from y'all. Do you have any ideas for the cast list?
Ella - Emma Roberts

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