Chapter 10

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“Misha, Misha get up.” A deep voice whispered into my ear.

I cracked open one eye and looked hard at Liam. “What do you want?”

He gave me a solemn look. “They’re calling for you at the Line.”

Immediately, my ears picked up on the howls that were getting louder and louder in the distance. Almost wails to the ears. They were sad wolf howls, and they were howls for me.

I sat up.

I had spent a couple days here and my wounds had healed right up with Kira’s constant healing touch. My legs and my ribs were feeling much better too even beneath a heavy cast on my leg and big tapes to keep my ribs in place.


I got out of bed and reached for my crutches that were standing against the wall.

He handed me a package he’d obviously gotten from Kira—we’d gone through this process every day since I’d been here and I knew immediately that they were clothes— and went out of the room to give me some privacy.

I opened the little white package and looked at the clothes with a scrutinizing eye. A pretty simple paisley dress and fresh underwear. I pressed the dress to my nose and knew immediately that it belonged to Kira. Even though freshly laundered, they had her scent. I wrinkled my nose; not something I was looking forward to. The undergarments were new because they were still in the little plastic bag that they had originally come in.

I pulled off the extra large T-shirt that I’d been sleeping in and began to dress with much difficulty, as I could not really bend to retrieve the dress on the bed because of my ribs and because I was hopping on one foot. If someone else was in this position I would have found it purely comical, but right now, I didn’t find it very amusing at all.

I couldn’t be bothered to do anything with my hair other than let it stay frizzy.

A timid knock came on the door. “Misha? You done?”

“Yeah, you can come in,” I said to Liam, reaching out to grab one of my crutches that had fallen from the bed.

“Here, let me help you,” Liam offered, picking up the crutch and tucking it under my arm.

I frowned at him. I didn’t like being treated like an invalid.

He just stood there trying to make sure that the crutch was comfortably under my arm and then grabbed one of Kira’s shoes from beneath the bed, sliding it onto my foot. He then helped me go down the hall and into the small living room. Kira was sitting on the sofa, holding a baby in her arms while another child—a girl by the looks of it and about three years old—sat at her feet playing with a set of jacks.

“Ah, Misha,” she said, her face becoming warm and a little bit fierce at the sight of me. “Just the girl I’ve been wanting. Your Pack’s been out there howling their heads off since the crack of dawn.”

“Kira, cool it.” Liam snapped.

Kira laughed and glared at him. “I was just making a point. It isn’t every day that a Shadow wolf protects a Leaf wolf.”

“Are you trying to say something?” I interrupted her, trying to understand why she was being so bitter today.

“Not at all Misha.” She replied. “Go where you belong.”

Those four words infuriated me. Go where you belong.

I already knew that Shadow land was never a good place to be—and I’d known this even before I accidently crossed over onto their land—but she made it sound as if I was never even wanted there. Kira was trying her ultimate best to piss me off and sadly, she was winning. I wondered to myself why Liam had brought me here in the first place. Why he hadn’t just left me on the mountain with Randel instead of running himself to ruin to get help for me.

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