Chapter Eleven- Home Free

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The position I was sitting in was uncomfortable. I sat with my legs bent under me with my arms bound behind my back. I'd been tossed into a corner to wake up alone with a stiff neck and numb legs.

The room was anything but calming with its slick walls and concrete floor (with some kind of red stain in a corner- not going to even think about it).

From what I could see, there was no door. There weren't any windows and there certainly wasn't any other life. Where was I?

I faintly remembered being attacked by that mutt. I remembered Ty pulling him off of me but that's where the chain of events ended. I could still feel his fingers closing around my throat, pushing, digging into my skin, cutting off my air until I finally went still.

My fingers found my neck, softly trailing the mutt's imaginary fingers.

The skin hurt to touch. If I sat any longer I could be sure that I wouldn't be able to get up again.

Pushing my shoulder into the wall, I began pulling myself up the wall. Luckily, gravity was on my side and I was standing up with little trouble from the walls.

Where was Ty?

Little black bulbs hung from each corner of the room. Cameras, I smirked, they're watching me.

"Where am I?" I shouted at one.

"Where's Ty" I shouted at the one across from it.

I was met with silence.

"Let me out of here!"


I spun around ready to fight my way out if I had to. I was met by two big looking mutts with perfect skin and luminous green eyes. A couple heads below them was a stout mutt about mid-age with short silver hair. Angel.

"Where am I?"

"All questions will be answered in due time."

"No," I said grinding my teeth. "All answers will be answered now."

He raised an eyebrow. Probably didn't expect to be defied; if he did he has another thing coming.

"What's your name child?"

"What's yours?"

He looked at me this time narrowing his eyes. His eyes were black, like beady black pits. A viper's look.

Putting on my best Navi face, I stiffened my jaw and crossed my arms.

"Zachery," he answered in a whisper.

I nodded equally as stiffly. "You will regret ever kidnapping me."

"My dear, we didn't kidnap you. We saved you, you were being murdered."

"My friend was saving me. You, if I do recall, took me away from him." I didn't recall, but it was a good guess of why Ty was screaming for me.

He nodded his head smiling.

"Yes, he was saving you, from the mutt. We my dear were saving you from death."

"He could have saved me."

"He did save you, but it would have been hopeless if he attempted to save your life. You were half dead when we got you."

"Then why am I not dead now?"

He stepped closer waving a hand to the guards. They both backed off.

I spun around at the sound of screeching metal from the back corner of the room. A table was rising out of the floor, along with two chairs.

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