Chapter Nine- Intruder

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It was an understatement. The house wasn’t like the others we had passed which were mostly run down, ram-shacked transit houses that had eerie looking eyes peeking out from the blinds, grubby children playing with tin cans in mosh pit front yards, and makeshift clothes lines hanging from trees.

The neighborhood had been a good neighborhood at one point before the viruses but as the rain kept coming and people kept living in their filth (because they were too lazy to clean themselves up after our mission gave them life) it had become as bad as the hood.

The house itself was beautiful, decorated with large round tables in two massive ballrooms, twinkling chandeliers and on one wall a sign announcing someone’s wedding.

As soon as the door shut behind Matthew, Navi stomped up the stairs, excusing herself so she could find the bedroom. Ty gave me a warning look which I took right away to mean that I was on Navi’s blacklist.

After a couple minutes of exploring Dawn trekked up after Navi in turn leaving Ty and myself alone.

“The floors are nice,” Ty said scuffing the toe of his boot against the cherry wood floors.

I cocked my head to the side. “You know, it’s really hard to know if you’re being serious or joking when you say it like that.”

He smiled looking at the ceiling. “I do believe that was the point; bemusement, intrigue, skepticism. It’s all meant in the same way.”

“You mean to thoroughly confuse me?”

“To implicate confusion, self-doubt, uncertainty in general… so in a one word answer: yes.”

I smiled.

“You know, you could have just said “yes, I like the floor” in the beginning instead of making me think.”

“But then you wouldn’t have been confused; and you need to keep your brain working, you can’t just give up because things look bad.”

“I don’t think I’m giving up on my brain training if that’s what you’re implying, I just am tired and worn down from the day’s events.” I wasn’t trying to make excuses but his face seemed to say otherwise.

I raised my hands in defense.

“Listen, I’m not giving up I’m just exhausted.”

“I’m not blaming you, I’m tired too, but a plan won’t wait forever Luna. They’re after us, they’ll kill us. That’s what they were trying to do when they broke in and massacred an entire lab. Don’t fool yourself into thinking they’re harmless. They weren’t just coming for a nice chat and some tea, they came armed and determined to kill us and they won’t stop until they find us.”

“Then we get armed and we fight back.”

He crossed his arms and shook his head. “Yes, and start a war with resistors, won’t that be wonderful. Four against who knows how many… yes I do think we’ll win.” He scoffed.

“You have a better idea then?” I asked raising my eyebrows. My tone was indignant as my heart was pounding in my ears. I was beginning to get angry. My fists were clenched so tight I could feel the sweat building in my palms. I couldn’t tell if Ty even noticed how pissed he was making me, jumping the gun and shooting down my advice and my explanations for why I wasn’t ready to take his brain exercises. I ground my teeth together until a rattling pain shot up into my gums but even then I didn’t stop.

“Yes, discuss a plan with Navi and Dawn before declaring war.” He said gazing at me.

At that point I could barely feel the pain in my mouth anymore, all I could hear was the booming of my heart. Spinning on my heel I ducked through the doorway and when I made it to the stairs I stopped and looked at him over my shoulder. He was looking at me with no emotion in his face whatsoever.

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