Nicky and Ryan were very close because they both had to keep their hands busy. Ryan frowned and showed Nicky the action figure that was now broken, Nicky smiled and took the toy, and started to attach the arm back on, while Ryan fiddled with a wrench that was given to him.

Don and Venus's daughter Amy or Ambrose Hamato, (5 years old) stood next to Lucy watching everything with a watchful eye, while playing with her yin-yang necklace. Leo and Raph were the ones that were always fighting, but they were also the closest to one another, that was the same deal with Ryker and Amy. They would fight constantly, but in the end they would take the others blame if they got in trouble, always having each others backs. Amy was just as tall as Ryker, but even though Ryker was bigger and older, Amy had her mothers ability and ease with the mystic arts. Their fights could get pretty intense too, magic against strength.

My smile went down as I looked them over again, 1-2-3-4 and 5-6-7. . . where's the eighth?! Rosey?! I turned to Mikey, who was now being jumped on by Lucy and Ryan, "Mikey where is Rosey?"

Mikey furrowed his brow and stood up, making the younger two tumble off and onto the beanbag, where they continued to wrestle, with Percy standing over them. Mikey looked around, then from the shadows and small white thing came down onto him with a small roar. Mikey fell over and started to laugh as the little white puppy barked sitting on his chest.

Luna Rose Hamato was Me and Mikey's little girl, she was 3 1/2 years old and completely white with Mikey's blue blue eyes, and blond hair and tail. She was full of energy and the most athletic out of the kids, but just like Lucy, she was always happy. Rosey bounced up and down on Mikey's chest, her little furry hands lifting her up and down her little yellow dress blowing around, "I got you Daddy!!!"

Mikey grinned, "Oh yeah!!! Come here Starlight!!" Mikey said hollering out her nickname before holding her tight and tickling her sides. She squealed in laughter, and managed to get a hand out holding it out to us, "Help Tickle Monsters Got Me!!!" The kids all smiled and turned to Ryker.

Ryker grinned, "NO MUTANT LEFT BEHIND!!!"

Amy jumped forward, "SHELL YEAH!!!" My giggle turned into a full out laugh as the little 'Terrors' all piled onto Mikey. Mikey wailed and screamed playing along with them all.

I smiled as I watched them; every month us parents would have a date night, sometimes Master Splinter would stay and watch them, but he has been doing that for a long time, so me and Mikey decided that we would stay behind and watch the kids, while Splinter went out for some alone time. I looked over at the clock, and frowned, then I looked down to find Percival pulling on my jean skirt. I knelt down and looked at his freckle framed face, "What is it Percy?"

"Why are you sad?" He frowned, Percy was a little sweetheart, always more worried about everyone else then himself.

"Oh Cinni was just remembered that we didn't have dinner?" I smiled at the little turtle boy.

Mikey sat up, little kids tumbled around him, before jumping back on, "Oh No What Should We Do?!"

Lucy jumped off him and smiled starting to bounce around, "Pizza Party!!!!!"

"Oh but we can't." Mikey frowned, the rest of the kids froze and stared at him.

"WHAT?! WHY NOT!!" Charlotte exploded, the angry one of the group.

"Shh, Char-Char! You hurting my ears!" Rosey whined.

"But why can't we have pizza!?" Charlotte asked her a little quieter.

Rosey frowned poking her lips out, "I don't know, why not Daddy?" All the kids then turned to Mikey waiting. I smiled as I saw the glint in Mikey's eye.

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