Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

When I realize I’m fully awake, everything hurts and I was wonder if I’m going to die. I still can’t open my eyes. This is a very painful death.

God, can you please hurry and bring me up? This really hurts.

I feel a light smack on my forehead, and then hear a familiar voice. I recognize it as Ryan's.

"Elizabeth, don't you even think about dying!" I try really hard to open my eyes, but I just can’t do it.

"Ryan?" I ask. I realized how scratchy my voice was.

"Beth?" He asks in an anxious tone. "Are you really awake? Are you dreaming? Why aren't yours eyes open?" He asks so quickly it gave me an instants headache.

"I--." I stop to take a breath. "I don't know why my eyes aren't open. I-I-I can't open them!”  I feel water running down my face. Tears? I try to stop them, but it’s no use. "I'm scared." I whisper.  "What happened? Where am I?"

"We got in an accident. I didn't get hurt because I was wearing my seat belt, but you weren’t.”

"Ryan?" I ask in a whisper. "Are you really okay? Am I going to die?"

"What? No! Don't even think that Elizabeth! You've been unconscious for four days now. Your mom left just a few minutes ago to go get something to eat. I'm going to call her and give you the phone, okay?"

"Okay." I whisper. It hurts to talk. I hear him clicking numbers on his phone. Then he grabs hand and puts the phone in it. I bring my arm up weakly with a lack of energy.

It only rings once.

"Ryan?" I hear my mom’s frantic voice. "What happened? Is she okay?" She takes a deep breath.

"Momma?" I ask, straining my voice to make sure she hears me.

"Elizabeth? Beth, is that you?" I hear her start crying.

"Mom it's me, but I have to whisper because it hurts to talk. Please don't cry. When are you coming back?" I ask and try to fight back tears from hearing my mother cry.

"I'm on my way now, baby. Don't strain too much. I love you so much Beth."

"I love you too, mom." I hesitate for a second. "Mom?"

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Nothing." I whisper. "It's just, well, are you mad at me?”

"The only thing I know is that if it wasn't for Ryan-." She stops, letting out a breath of air. "If it wasn't for Ryan, I wouldn't be talking to you right now."

"What do you mean?”

"When the truck rolled, a piece of glass went through your chest, piercing a piece of your heart. It wasn't enough that it would kill you instantly, but you were bleeding a lot. The doctors said that if they couldn't find someone to donate blood, then you would die from blood loss. Ryan immediately told them to take his. They told him it could be dangerous, but he said he didn't care. They had it transfused within the hour, but it put you in a state of a coma." She finishes, sighing greatly.

 I have Ryan’s blood mixed with mine? He's only known me for a day.

"Baby, I'm pulling into the parking lot. I'll be up in a second. I love you." She hangs up. Only then does it strike me. Why didn’t my own mother transfuse blood to me?

"Ryan?” I ask into the room because I can’t see.

“I'm here." I turn towards the sound of his voice.

"Did you really give me your blood?" I ask aloud, causing me to groan in pain.

"Yeah, I did." Tears begin to flow down my cheeks.

"Hey, Beth, don't cry!" I sense him standing over me, and then I feel his hand on my cheek.

"You barely know me!" I cry out.

"Your right, but it doesn't matter. You didn’t know me when you got into my truck. I would have given you my heart if they would have said you needed it." He says and brings his lips to mine.

* * * * *

Jake's P.O.V.

We pull into the parking lot at the school and I jump out. Mom starts to undo her seat belt and I put my hand down angrily. How could she force me to come to this stupid private school? So she caught me messing around with a girl. I’m seventeen years old, big deal!

"I can go in alone mom."

"I know but I want to help you get started." She says softly.

"You've done enough." I say icily. I won’t fall into her guilt trap. If my dad were still alive, he would have pitched a fit over this. I shake the thoughts of my dad from my head and walk to the school. 

 I really can't believe she made me come to this stupid private school. None of these chicks look remotely cute or interesting. Then I see a girl out the corner of my eye. She has longish red hair and blue eyes. Her body is curved perfectly in all the right places. There’s only one problem and I scoff at my luck. She’s sitting in some other guys lap and smiling brightly at him. I smirk to myself.

 I will get this girl.

If this is where I'm stuck and she's here too, I will get this girl. By the time I'm done with her, she'll be begging at my feet for more. I smile and begin walking inside, when I run into what feels like walking blubber.

"Watch where you going, young man!" A booming voice says to me. I look up, and it takes nearly every ounce of self control in my body to not burst out laughing.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir." I say, choking on laughter. He glares but says nothing of it.

"Are you new here or something?" He asks, eyeing me carefully.

"Yeah." I state simply.

"I am Mr. Bumble, the principal." My first though is Bumble Butt. I laugh internally. This is going to be fun. "I suggest you get your schedule and get to your classes." I start walking down the long hallway when a perky voice starts talking to me.

"Um, hi. Uh, could you like do me a huge favor." She asks shyly.

"What?" I ask getting bored.

"Well it's just that my friends dared me to get you to kiss me. Could you just go around the corner with me, we don't have to do anything." She lets out all in a rush. A cocky smile finds its way onto my face.

"Why go behind a corner?" I ask and lean down to kiss her. I immediately take dominance in the kiss and slip my tongue in her mouth. She stands there stunned at first but then responds wildly to the kiss. When I pull away she’s blushing so hard that I have to try no to laugh. Although she’s pretty, she’s a horrible kisser.

"Right, well, um, thanks, I uh, I guess." She stutters before running off to her gawking friends. I wish I would've done that with the redhead. I mentally slap myself for letting a girl get to my head. I’m a bad, arrogant, cocky, player and I always get what I want. The only emotions I have are lust and anger. Nobody will change me.

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