Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

My head throbs from all of the possibilities. My mom? Is she okay? I can't lose her, I don't have anyone else.

I open the door and try to read the expression on Jays face, but he’s doing a damn good job of hiding any emotion. Then Darren shows his face behind me.

Shock is clearly evident on Jays face, then confusion, and then embarresment.

"I—uh—Sorry?" He finally stammers out. I brush it aside.

"What's wrong with my mom, Jay?"

He stares at his feet, his mouth opening and closing in an attempt to try and word the problem.

"Jaylen. What's. Wrong." I hold my voice calm and steady.

"It was bad; they don't think she's going make it." His reply is barely above a murmur.

She’s not going to make it.

"No." My voice is hoarse.

"Beth, I—."

My world begins to spin out of focus and I feel my knees begin to give out. I don’t try to stay up. As I fall I distantly hear someone shout my name and then cry for help.

"I'm just going to be with my mom." I tell whoever was still standing next to me.

"No, Beth, you have to stay awake."

Who is that? I know that voice from somewhere. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Mom is dying, and she isn't going to make it. I can't do this alone. She's been there for me when I was in the hospital.

I felt my body convulse violently from the sudden realization that mom had always been right by me at the hospital, when I needed her the most. What am I doing? I’m sitting here worrying not only myself, but my friends too. How self centered could I get?

"Help." I choke out. I gasp at the lack of oxygen in my lungs. What the hell? Am I dying? Oh goodness! I'm going to die right after nearly giving myself away in my best friend’s bathroom! I try for air once again, but to no avail. With the last ounce of strength left in my body I request one thing. "Please don't let me die, too."

Searing white pain courses through my body. I gasp and clench my fists. Then, realizing I gasped, I gasp again and choke out a cough.



"Are you okay?"

"Open your eyes."

Voices flitted through my ears, successfully producing a migraine the size of Ryan's ego.

Chuckles bounce off the walls and I suppress a look of confusion. Instead, I settle for a frown as I slowly open my eyes.

Five pairs of concerned eyes look down at me and my frown turns to a scowl. Great, I'm the center of attention. I roll my eyes. Lovely.

A nervous chuckle is let out beside me and I look to see Darren pushing Pete up against the wall.

Pete’s hands fly up in a surrendering stance but Darren isn't looking convinced. A low, and completely terrifying, growl escapes through his lips.

This is the same guy that I would have willingly done anything for about thirty minutes ago? This is the guy who I was completely oblivious to until he kissed me and caught me completely off guard? This is the guy that I had almost fallen head over heels for in five minutes?

No, this isn't my Darren.

Suddenly, Darren menacing stance falters and his head whips towards me. His eyes glow deep black. The look still lingering on his face makes me flinch and I try to back away.

My back, head, and shoulders hit the wall and Darren takes a step towards me. My breath catches in my throat and I let out a small strangled cry, and squeezed my eyes closed.

'Baby?' Darren’s voice fills my head, laced with dread, guilt, and pain. My eyes fly open and my head snaps up. Huh?

'I have a lot to explain, but please don't be afraid of me. I will never, ever hurt you, baby girl.'

In the instant he assures me he’ll never hurt me, I relax and let out a tired sigh.

'I trust you, Darren.' I say back in my head. Gosh, I feel like an idiot talking in my head.

'You never sound like an idiot, baby girl.'

A small, sad smile crosses my face and is gone in an instant. I'm too tired to smile. I decide to try and talk through my mind again.

'Darren?' I asked timidly, still aware of the group of whispering guys around us.

'Yes, baby?' His gaze searches my face. My heart pounds every time he called me baby girl. I fight to stay on track.

'I'm really tired.' I look away. Will he be mad at me? If he is I won't go to sleep, I'll stick it out for him. I can be strong, for him.

'No, baby, you don't need to be strong for me. Of course you can sleep, I'll take you to my room.' Darren walks over to me and wraps me in his arms.

I look down at the floor and see the towel. I gasp and feel my face turn completely red. Oh my goodness!

I'm not naked! I'm not naked! I'm not naked!

"Of course not." Darren whispers down into my ear. I look at myself and take in the clothes; sweatpants—too big—and an oversized shirt. They smell like Darren. I snuggle into Darren’s arms and feel myself begin to drift away.

My eyes open groggily as Darren lays me on his bed. He wraps the covers securely around me and walks to the door.

'Darren?' I asked in my mind, too tired to use my voice.

Darren turns around to look at me. "Yes?"

'Will you sleep with me?' Darren chuckles and I blush at the double meaning.

"Of course." He lays down beside me and gets under the covers. He pulls me to him until his bare chest is against my back. I moan slightly as he runs his finger down my side.

'None of that or you won't be sleeping, baby girl.' Darren’s voice is slightly husky. I blush and nod, then turn and bury my face into his chest.

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