Chapter 16

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Vera's outfit for school minus the glasses, laptop, and coffee mug.

Vera's pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing by my ear. I groaned while lifting my head up and checking the caller ID on the screen. It read Ryder, I quickly answered in order to stop the annoying sound which was adding on to the immense pounding in my head.

"What" I groaned into the phone while rubbing my eye with my free hand.

"Jesus, I knew you shouldn't have drank that much last night. I can practically feel your hangover all the way here." Ryder said while laughing.

"Ryder if you don't stop laughing I'm hanging up. And by the way I don't remember drinking that much. I didn't even notice I was drunk last night, although it is partly your fault I'm in this situation." I said while dropping back down into my laying down position.

"How is it my fault" he asked while sounding shocked.

"You could've stopped me but you didn't" I stated while rubbing my head to try and ease the pounding.

"Hey I was an innocent bystander" Ryder said.

"Yeah okay what's the day today" I asked while staring at my celling fan which was rotating.

"Tuesday, oh hey thanksgiving break is this week and our families are having a mash up one so looks like today the last day until Monday." Ryder said happily.

"Would you hate me if I ditched today" I asked while pressing my face into my pillow.

"Oh no you are so coming to school today. You know if you have a certain number of absences your going to get pulled back or gonna have to go to summer school. And you've missed a lot of days so your coming to school" Ryder lectured me. I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Okay thanks for the lecture mom." I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious Vera" Ryder said seriously.

"Yeah yeah okay sheesh when did you become so serious" I asked while signing.

"Ever since I cared about you being in the same year as me" Ryder stated.

"Okay fine I'll go but I'm in a bad mood so warn the others and keep Beth away from me at all costs." I said seriously.

"You do know it's her last day today right" Ryder said.

"Wait really, oh my god that put me in a slightly better mood" I said while sitting up slowly and leaning on the head board of the bed.

"Great" Ryder said happily.

"Yeah okay I'm hanging up now I gotta get some aspirin" I said while hanging up without waiting for his response. I stood up and walked down stairs using everything in my way for support.

Once I got to the hallway that led to the kitchen I found Edward looking at something before I interrupted him.

"Edward could you get me some aspirin" I asked while clutching my head and leaning on the nearest wall.

"Yes of course" Edward said while walking away before coming back with two aspirins in hand and a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks" I said while taking both aspirins and gulping down the orange juice. I handed the cup to Edward who just looked at me before asking.

"Rough night" he asked while looking at me.

"More like month" I said while walking towards the kitchen. The staff had already prepared breakfast for me which contained two chocolate ship waffles with a small fruit salad on the side, and a class of plain black coffee. I signed and sat down, I grabbed the waffles and started eating.

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