Chapter 7

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Vera's dress to the black and white party.

Vera's pov

"Vera" I felt some one slightly shake my shoulders.

"Vera wake up" The person said again.

"Vera wake up." The person said yet again. I recognized that voice anywhere.

Why in gods name was Ethan waking me up this early on a Saturday.

"Vera wake or I'm gonna kiss you" the was enough for me I shot up and pushed Ethan away and stood up while stretching out my arms.

"Damn even in the morning you look hot" Ethan said while licking his lips.

"Why think you, it's a shame I can't say the same for you" I said while laughing and making my way to the kitchen.

"Ha ha whatever, so what are you going to do all day today since it's a Saturday." Ethan said. I turned and looked at him while putting a hand on my hip.

"Well I was thi" I was cut of by Ryder who came running into the kitchen and hugging both Ethan and I.

"Okay I'm seriously confused. Normally I would have to blow a bull horn in your ear to wake you up this early on a Saturday morning. So what's up" I asked. Ryder let both of us go. I looked at him with a confused expression while he just grinned from ear to ear.

"Well my mom just texted me saying that we're moving in today and to celebrate were having a party in the ballroom today after the staff moves everything into the house." Ryder said while opening the fridge and grabbing a red bull. I walked over to him and grabbed the red bull.

"Oh no no no, your already hyper enough even though you haven't eaten anything sugary yet" I said.

"Oh come on celebrating includes being hyper and aren't you happy I'm going to be moving a walking distance away from your house." Ryder said while grabbing the red bull out of my hands and taking a big gulp.

"Hey now we can be like the power trio" Ethan said while smirking. I could definitely tell he was being sarcastic.

"Obviously now we can all walk around the hallways together and sit at lunch and gossip together" Ryder said. You could definitely tell by his tone that he was being serious. Obviously he didn't get the sarcasm in Ethan's voice.

"Okay well we could definitely hang out together but none of that sappy gossip stuff" I said while smiling.

"Well you both are invited to the party and so are you families. By the way Vera your parents are coming back today in the afternoon." Ryder said while showing me the text from his mom.

"Really wow I thought they would have texted me first not your mom" I said while shrugging.

"And you know my mom is big on parties so basically the entire neighborhood is invited. The theme is black and white elegant like long dresses and suites." Ryder said.

"Yeah okay I guess I gotta go shopping" I said while setting the coffee maker to on.

"Sorry Ethan can't hang out today." I said while running my hand through my hair pushing back my bangs.

"Wait actually I need a new suite I can come with you and I know this great place that has dresses and suites" Ethan said. I signed knowing that he wasn't going to stop bugging me until I agreed to let him come with me.

"Fine but I don't care if you start begging to sit down or rest but I'm going to keep dragging you with me" I said while smirking.

"Okay well I'm going to head home so I can go change. Yo Ryder need a ride home" Ethan asked.

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