Freedom of a sort

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Back to Storm's PoV
I arrived, exhausted and agitated, at the rehoming centre around half an hour later. My mind has been overworking the whole way, trying desperately to come up with a way to find Breeze. So far, I had come up with nothing.

As I was carried out the crate and taken through a doorway, I had no energy to take in what was going on. So I just lay there, not even trying to hold my head up. What was the point; I had lost everything that meant something to me, and they were probably never going to be found again.

By the time I had registered what was going on, a sharp pin prick stung on the back of my neck. My shoulder ached profusely, but at least I was able to feel something. I was at the vet; my time was surely up.

My suspicions were confirmed seconds later as a wave of vertigo washed over me. The ground seemed to be getting closer, then everything was gone.


"Hello? Hello? Heeelllloooo...?"

I murmured incoherently at the sounds trying wake me from my refreshing slumber. As the voices persisted, I lashed out with all four of my paws, my back right connecting with the target.

"Ow, what was that for?", the voice squeaked, indignantly.

A response was instantly awakened inside me as it made the connection between my paw colliding with something, and the cry of pain; I had hit someone not something.

My eyes sprung open and I shot up, so abruptly that my vision blurred for a moment. After shaking my head clear from the wave of nausea, I scanned my surrounding, hoping to find the source of the cry. I deduced that I was definitely in a kennel, and that there were other dogs here besides me. But there was no sign of anyone else actually in the kennel with me.

"I must've imagined hearing another dog", I murmured to myself, still not completely confident that I was actually alone.

At the precise moment I was doubting myself the most, I heard a restrained chuckle coming from within the darkness of the far corner of my kennel. Even before I had a chance to turn my head to try and find the source, I was tackled to the floor, luckily landing on the soft cushion bed rather that the floor itself.

"Hey, what in Gravy Bone's sake are you doing. Get off of me!", I screeched, trying my hardest to ignore the shooting pain searing through my body.

Surprisingly, the dog complied with my demands, and somewhat reluctantly backed away, freeing me from the body-lock he had had me held in. I quickly scrambled to my feet, cautious of the new dog standing a little to close to me.

He was a Weimaraner, a steely grey colour. He was small so I would've guessed that he was still young. His tail wagged profusely creating a steady draught that sent subconscious shivers running down my back. Without prior warning, the excitable dog crouched down in a classic play-bow, willing me to chase him.

"Hi there, hi, I'm Bo! Hi!", he said, all his words merging into one big jumble of sounds. I was slightly dumbstruck and ended up just staring blankly at the young dog. All the while, he was bounding around me as though he had been given copious amounts of coffee and it was all showing at the same time.

"Oh, uh... Hello?", I responded questioningly. The other dog chuckled wholeheartedly. He stood up fully and took the two steps needed to bring us shoulder to shoulder. His tail was still on 'windmill' mode and was continuously moving around; it was very distracting and caused my attention to be diverted more than once.

"Uh, I'm Storm. Nice to meet you..." Well, at least it was better than saying nothing and having to go through that whole 'awkward silence' thing.

"Really? It's so nice to meet you too! Isn't it amazing that you and I get to share the same kennel until one of us gets adopted? Oh, we're going to be the best of friends, I just know we are!", the pup-Bo-squeaked. I didn't know what they were feeding him but they really needed to stop; this was one crazy puppy.

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