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"Storm, the posts here. Can you go and get it for me please? I'm out in the garden". Stretching out my groggy limbs, I jumped down off my bed and walked over to the living room door. Closed. Luckily I had been trained to open doors so the obstacle between me and the post posed no threat. I quickly pushed myself on to my back legs and forced the handle of the door down with my front paws, leaning my body weight against the door at the same time. The wooden door swiftly swung open to reveal the locked front door. Again, I knew how to unlock and open the door which I didn't hesitate to do.

Merrily skipping out the now open front door and out into the warming daytime sun instantaneously woke me up fully. It was going to be a beautiful day today. If I was lucky, my girl would take me to the field so we could have an agility training session and make the most of the stunning weather.

My thoughts were pushed to the back of my mind as I neared the end of our driveway. The bright green postbox came into view and I quickened my pace from a walk to a trot in an effort to retrieve the post quicker. As I neared the box I could see that we had quite a lot of post today; not too much to carry though. A light brown A5 envelope captured my attention the most. It was addressed to my girl but also to me. I grabbed all the letters with my teeth and sprinted back up the winding drive that would lead me to the house and my girl.

I shot through the front door at a break-neck speed, trying desperately to reach my girl as fast as possible so she could open the mysterious letter. Skidding uncontrollably over the laminate wooden flooring of the living room and through to the tiles of the kitchen floor, I struggled to grip the flooring beneath my paws. As a result I was unable to stop myself slamming into the back patio doors that lead to the garden. After I had regained my balance, I took a few steps to the left, squeezed my long body through the plastic doggy-door and continued on my way to deliver the post to my girl.

Gaining speed with every stride, I made short work of the stretch of grass that lay between my girl and me. Within seconds I had ran the 30 metre stretch of glowing green grass and stopped obediently in front of my girl. I took a step closer to her and sat down right at her feet, my head facing the sky and my eyes staring into hers. She giggled at my display before gently reaching down to pat my head and grab the post with her other hand.

She sorted through the jumble of letters I had brought her and asked me to hold the mysterious letter for a moment while she went to give the rest of the post to her mother. I tentatively wrapped my teeth around the envelope and watched as my girl made her way down the stretch of grass that I had sprinted up moments earlier. Soon after she left, I saw her walk through the glass doors and the kitchen, turn a corner and leave my sight. I looked around.

Just as I thought, today was definitely going to be a beautiful day. The vast sky was coloured a calming light blue. A few fluffy, mesmerising, pure white clouds floated carelessly around the sky, being pushed lazily by the slight breeze which prevented the day's heat becoming overwhelming. Chirping birds littered the trees in the forest situated to the rear of our house; the sound made me close my eyes and appreciate the wonder that surrounded me.

Before I knew it my girl was skipping back toward me, a merry smile spread across her face. Seeing her happy caused my tail to wagg uncontrollably and my legs instinctively started to run towards her open arms. I dropped the letter on the grass so that I was able to give her face a thorough licking.

Once I had completed my mission, I stood back up and ran to, once again, fetch the ominous letter. This time when I say at the feet of my girl, she took the letter and looked at the envelope, a look of confusion was plastered on her face. She slowly turned the envelope around and began carefully opening it. Anticipation engulfed us both; neither of us could wait to find out what the envelope held, yet we didn't want to find out in case it was a letter of bad news.

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