From the shadow, trouble calls

224 15 7

?'s POV

On hearing the mechanical 'beeping' noise being emitted from my collar, I effortlessly made my way across the vast campus, heading toward my target. Could I deny being the best in the business? No, I couldn't. It was easy for me to get the inside information necessary to pull off the plans that my master had. That being what I was doing right now.

Crouching low to the grass and crawling noiselessly, my dark coat made me no more than a silhouette against the dark backdrop of the full moon night. I made sure to avoid crawling under any of the dim safety lamps used to illuminate the paths at night through fear of being caught. After all, the best in the business wouldn't want to be taken out by something so easy to avoid.

Once past the lights, the hard part really kicked in. How was I supposed to get into the building without disturbing anyone. I knew this place too well though; I had already concocted a scheme. I knew that there was an entrance to the upstairs dorm rooms through a door in the main school. This is how I would gain access. Crouching low once more, I ran toward the entrance of the main school.

On reaching the large, dark brown, wooden door, I paused momentarily to confirm that nobody had, as of yet, seen me carrying out my mission. There was no one in sight so I entered the main school. My eyes were able to quickly adjust to the pitch blackness that possessed the school at this hour in the early morning. I stole a glance at the clock: 3.30AM. It was nearly time.

Master told me that if his suspicions were correct, my target would wake at 3.40AM like he used to when he was younger. This would be when I obtained the information I had been sent to retrieve.

Stealing through the coal-black darkness of the schools corridors, I soon found myself outside the door that would take me to the room I needed. The door opened easily and I made my way inside.

It didn't take long for me to find the room I needed. Finding my way around the school was like a second nature to me; I had been doing it for so long now. Quickly glancing up at another clock, a smile spread in the corners of my mouth. My timing, as always, had been impeccable. Yes, I definitely was the best, I smirked to myself.

I can just about peek through the window of the room when I stand on my back legs but it's not good enough for a proper look. I see a small coffee table a little way down the hall so waste no time moving it under the window as quietly as possible. Once it's there, I jump up with ease and once again peep through the window, my view much better this time.

As my master had said, there was a lone figure making its way across the moon-illuminated room. It stopped by another body; a sleeping one; trying to nudge it awake. Suddenly, the lifeless body shot up, sprinting the short distance toward a box filled with toys. It grabbed one before returning to the first solitary figure.

They appeared to talk for a while; I leant in to the window so that I could hear what they were saying. The one thing clear enough to make out was the only thing I had been sent to find out.

"Jake is-I mean was-... My old owner"


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