I knew what I had to do. It was what I had tried to do in the first place, unfortunately I had gone out with no plan before. This time would be different, though. I may just have the general idea of what I was going to do, but it was better than waiting around for things to happen.


When we returned to town, I rented the hotel room out for two days. Two days was all I would need. I bought a cheap prepaid cell phone at the store then met up with Ross as we had planned before I left on the field trip.

"Hey, Corn-Dumpling," Ross greeted as I walked up to where he was standing at entrance to the arcade.

"Hey, Ross. I've got something I need to talk to you about," I said, quickly letting him know it was serious.

"Let's take a walk then," he said, starting to walk and I soon fell in step with him. "So what's up?"

"I'm leaving. Hopefully for good this time. And I need your help if it's no trouble."

"I really hate that you're leaving but only you can decide what you need to do. So as long as you're sure you want to do this, I'll help you out to the best of my abilities," he said, reaching out to squeeze my hand.

"I'm sure. But I need your help with one, maybe two things. First, I know you're into technology, and was hoping you could help me get into contact with someone who could help me with getting a new identity, someone who doesn't live around here," I said, nervously biting my lip.

"I'm not sure I know anybody like that," Ross replied, his eyes darting away quickly. A sure sign that he was lying.

"Ross, I know you can get a hold of them, chances are you've probably done it already for the fun of it."

"Fine. I know a guy who can have things set up for you by tomorrow." I threw my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much! I might need your help getting partially there. But let me give you my number. You're the only person I want to stay in contact with," I said, slowly releasing him from my grip.

"You better! I don't want to lose you my little Corn-Dumpling," he replied with a grin.


After hanging out with Ross for a few hours, I went back to the hotel as he went home to contact that guy.

I sat down on the bed and pulled out a notebook and began writing. I wrote letters to Bob, Travis, and Max. The next day, Ross texted me telling me to meet him with all of my stuff in the school parking lot at the end of the day.

I spent the day gearing myself up for what was about to happen. I took Travis's letter to his house and slipped it under the door, knowing he wouldn't get home from work until after I had left town. I did the same thing with Bob's letter.


At two-thirty, I grabbed my bags, checked out and started the walk to school. I waited on the edge of the parking lot as the bell rang. I saw Ross walk towards me but still kept me eyes on the outpouring of students.

"Ready to go?" Ross asked as he approached.

"Give me a second. I'll be right back," I said, dropping my bags and walking into school just seconds after Max had exited it. I knew his locker number, and I went straight to it. I slipped the letter inside knowing he wouldn't see it until tomorrow morning. That was until I turned around and saw him walking towards me. He locked eyes with me before I darted off, quickly walking back to Ross who was waiting for me.

"That's go," I said urgently, knowing there was a chance that Max was following me. Ross unlocked the doors to his car, and tossed my bags into the backseat, then climbed in. I slid in the passenger seat, and buckled my seat belt.

"I'm driving you across the state border, then I've got someone coming to pick you up. He'll have all of the paperwork you need, and you'll be staying at his place until you can get on your feet. There's even a job opening as a photographer that I printed off an application for. The guy's name is Alexander Lowman, you'll know it's him if he starts asking about playing the game 'Manhunt', which is kind of like a code word. Got it?"

"Got it. And thank you again for all of this, I owe you big time," I said with a grateful smile.

"Just be happy. Oh, and stay in contact with me."

"I will."

And with that we spent the rest of the drive in silence, listening to the soft hum of the radio.


A couple of hours later we arrived at a twenty-four hour McDonalds. We said our goodbyes. Then I grabbed my bags, and walked inside. I ordered myself something to eat although I really wasn't hungry. I sat down at a table and began eating while I waited for Alexander to show up.


About a hour later, a guy who looked to be in his mid-twenties walked up to me and started asking me about 'Manhunt'. I knew right then it was Alexander.

"Alexander Lowman, I'm pleased to meet you," I said while standing up. He was easily a good half foot taller than me. He had shaggy black hair, and a pale complexion. His jaw was covered in a five o'clock shadow, and his right eyebrow was pierced. His blue eyes stared back into my own.

"Zoey Springdale, I presume. Not that it much matters, as soon as we get to the car, I'll give you your paperwork. Now let's get going," he said motioning with his head towards the door, then walking that way.


We pulled up to an apartment building, and he led me upstairs to his. He showed me the room I'd be staying in, then left. I set my stuff on the floor and crashed on the bed, drifting off to sleep shortly after my head hit the pillow.


I got up the next morning and replied to Ross's text asking if I was alright.

I walked into the bathroom, and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was limp and messy looking, my eyes were lifeless and dull and, my complexion was so pale I looked deathly sick.

Now was my time to embrace change. My name was now Laney Weston. And... I dug through the drawers until I found a pair of scissors, then I began chopping away the long strands, cutting my hair into a pixie cut. The sides were super short and the top was longer.

I cleaned up all of the hair, and threw it away. I grabbed some clothes from my bag, and took a shower. It was weird not having my long hair, but it also felt good.

I got out and got dressed then walked back to my room. I grabbed my phone and sent a picture to Ross. His reply was almost instant. He was definitely shocked, but thought it looked good.

From then on, life started looking up and I was embracing it like I never had before.


A/N: So yeah, life happened and I wasn't able to update any time close to when I promised but that's life for you.

     No, the story is not over. We still have many chapters to get through, because many might be wondering who she ends up with. I'm still wondering that myself. I thought she would stay in town but obviously she had other plans, but don't worry we'll get to see those more in depth soon.

     And a big thank you to anyone who is still hanging in there with me and this story.


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