A Mess

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Bianca's POV

   There she was. Standing right in front of me. God, I missed her so much.
She immediately grabbed her bag, threw out her cigarette, and started walking into the hotel.
Then she stopped.

Adore's POV

     What would I say to her. What would I say to the person I love the most. The past 5 months have been so hard. I tried hooking up with a few people here and there, and I had plenty of one night stands. But whatever I did I couldn't forget Bianca.

"Listen, we don't need to talk if you don't want."
"No no, I haven't seen you in 5 months. I need you Adore."
We were silent.
"I.... Why do you want me? I'm a completely mess of a person. Detox is probably better for you. You don't need me. I'm bad for you."
And I started walking up to our room.
Bianca stood there for a second, then followed me up.
She stopped me right before I went into my room.
"I love you. I love you so much. So fucking much. I don't care if you are a mess. I'm a mess too! We are fucking drag queens!! And Detox is an annoying ass bitch. I don't love her. I never did. I don't know what I was thinking. I love you."
I slammed my lips against hers.
"Goodnight love."

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